Build Smart

Crowd Fund Movie Project


New crowdfund movie    ( "The Synthesist"  ) will show viewers the many advantages of living in a space-age home built to withstand disasters    ( -like tornadoes, fires, hurricanes and earth- quakes ).                              ( -ABOVE )  KEU HOME   *1. ) See page bottom

It's Insane!

Every year towns across America are devastated by tornadoes and hurricanes. And every year these storm-ravaged towns rebuild using the same "stick and brick" construction that failed before.                        This life-costing stupidity has to end!

"This life-costing "sticks & bricks" mentality needs to end. Disaster-resilient homes ARE the future!"

My crowdfunded movie "The Synthesist" will bring this "Build Smarter" mantra to the masses and a sea change to the home building industry - hopefully inspiring a renaissance of new "smarter" building nationwide.

Today's high-strength space age  materials make it possible to fabricate -even 3D print - building components and homes that can withstand tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and fires. So, WHY aren't these "smarter" building technologies being used more?                                                                           ( -ABOVE  )  INTERIOR KEU HOME 

Cherry on top - please!

The added "cherry on top" is the fact that these disaster-resilient homes can actually cost about the same and sometimes LESS than traditional "stick and brick" homes ( -that will end up as a pile of matchsticks if they happen to be in the path of  an approaching EF3 or EF4 tornado! ). 

Our crowdfund project will challenge the brightest minds to come up with a home that meets all of the criteria below AND is AFFORDABLE to the average middle-class or struggling

family of modest means.                                                                                     ( -ABOVE )  KEU HOME INTERIOR

I am challenging Elon Musk and OTHER forward-thinking "housing disruptors" to come up with a mass-production home that meets all        of these basic criteria ( -along with any ADDITIONAL innovative features and amenities they can think of - such as: "off-grid" solar roofs and  storage systems, integrated lighting and appliance concepts, etc. ).  

BUILD SMART CROWD FUND                                      HOME CHALLENGE CRITERIA:

So then, these are the "basic criteria" we are asking these home design disruptors to shoot for. The home:                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1. ) Must be AFFORDABLE to the average middle-class ( or ) struggling family of modest means ( -with a starting price from: $95,000.00 - $150,000.00 with higher end models topping out in the $200,000.00 - $250,000.00 range ). 


2. ) Must be capable of WITHSTANDING DISASTERS ( -including EF5 tornadoes, CAT 5 hurricanes, R 7 and 8 earthquakes, be fire resistant and be .44 magnum bullet-proof ) as well as being energy-efficient in all climates.   


3. ) Must meet national building codes and be acceptable for residential zoning within the city limits of most towns in the USA ( -so that it won't have to be built "out in the boonies" away from water, sewer and electric utility lines and connections ).


3. ) Must be "TURN KEY" ( -or nearly "turn key" ) with FAST construction and utility connection times of no more than one month.


4. ) EXTRA POINTS if the price INCLUDES the home's kitchen/ bath fixtures, major appliances, HVAC, plumbing, water heater and PEX water lines ( -to prevent frozen pipes during winter ).

So, these are the criteria for our project home. Let the competition begin!

I encourage Prefab Home Manufacturers and manufacturers of today's

high-strength/ energy-efficient building components ( i.e: light-gauge steel, SCIP panels, composite-material blocks, 3D printed resins, etc. )    to send me their BEST home designs. Designs that meet these criteria. 

Leveraging today's smarter space-age materials              for smarter-built homes. Goodbye "Stick and Brick"!

One of the most exciting developments in housing technology today is Carmelo/ GCT's SCIP ( -Structural Concrete Insulated Panels ). These QUICKLY BUILT SCIP homes have weathered CAT 4-5 hurricanes in the Caribbean and seem ideal for "Disaster Resilient" home construction here in the USA.   ( -ABOVE  )  SCIP PANEL

These GCT SCIP Panels embody ALL  of the disaster-resilient qualities we're looking for. Their SCIP homes ( -built by third party manufacturers ) can be 3D-printed in sections & "assembled" on-site in a single afternoon! Aside from SCIP, composite-material block manufacturers offer "snap-together" homes of similar resilience. These, along with light-gauge steel and Prefab Homes will ALL be considered.  ( -ABOVE ) DISASTER RESILIENCE!    


If you own a company offering such forward thinking "disaster-resilient" building solutions we want to hear from you!  Use our "Contact" link!

Futuristic SCIP homes like the one pictured, could save lives in America's "Tornado Alley" and Gulf Coast once enlightened towns and building/ zoning officials see their lifesaving  advantages!                                     ( -ABOVE  )  MODERN SCIP HOME                          

And the Winner is!

I will consider each of the designs submitted and pick the ONE that I feel BEST nails our HOME CHALLENGE CRITERIA. Once crowdfunds have been secured - the home will be built here in the Ozarks and featured in my movie "The Synthesist" 

Apart from being a riveting sci-fier, the movie will show audiences what it's like to live in this "home of the future". The movie will weave the home's most compelling selling points into the storyline - as the lead character uses his "synth smarts" and his home's unique characteristics to resolve the story's main conflict.                                                                       ( -ABOVE  )  "THE SYNTHESIST" MOVIE


*NOTE: I'd also like to shoot a "Making Of" Feature telling WHY I selected the home I did and showing viewers the unique features and benefits of the home - possibly even including a time-lapse sequence showing it's construction ( or ) installation process.

Prospective home buyers...

If you're a prospective home buyer or someone who just thinks the idea of AFFORDABLE and DISASTER RESILIENT housing is a cool idea, consider contributing to my crowd fund! *NOTE: It will most likely be put on the  "GO FUND ME" platform listed in "Creative" ( or ) "Arts" ( -with the campaign title: "BUILD SMART HOME CHALLENGE MOVIE" or something like that ).

Your contributions will allow me to purchase this "proof of concept" home ( -which I can then use to film the movie in and live in ), hopefully inspiring towns and builders here in "Tornado Alley" to get   ( -ABOVE )  MOVIE "PROOF OF CONCEPT" HOME                                                                                                                                                                                    onboard this "Build Smart" movement! Hopefully, once the movie is seen we can start saving lives ( -as more of these homes are built here in the Midwest and Gulf Coast! ).

Apart from the home, your contributions will allow me to purchase a lot to put the home on, to take care of the required fees, permits and utility connection costs as well as pay for the movie's production costs ( i.e: gear, crew, local talent, wardrobe, props, promotional advertising, etc. ), along with the taxes, legal and tax consulting services I'll need to do    the crowdfund and movie.


If anything's left over, I'll pay myself for the time and effort I've invested in the project and making the film.

Saving lives - LET'S DO THIS!

America's too smart to allow these needless  and easily preventable  casualties to occur every tornado season. Hopefully, my film will be the impetus for triggering "smarter building" in "Tornado Alley" and the        ( -ABOVE )  STOPPING NEEDLESS TRAGEDY          rest of the United States! 

*1. ) NOTE: The KEU Home pictured right  has the stunning futuristic look we're after but I'm not sure it meets all of our "Build Smart" criteria. Hopefully, KEU will come out with a "disaster-resilient" version of their "Family" model in the future.                                                                                                          ( -ABOVE  )  KEU FAMILY  Such a model would be perfect for our movie and for anyone living in America's "Tornado Alley". Let's hope they introduce such a model soon!