"Farm & Ranch" DVD's

Ozark Land Showcase:

Your Land's Unique Assets

You know your land better than anyone else. Certainly, better than any realtor could. You've walked it, worked it and enjoyed it. That's why our videos include  an interview with the property owners. Prospects hear "first-hand" ( in your words ) what makes your property special.        WORKING ( OR ) "GENTLEMAN'S RANCHES"                                                                                                                                                                                                  No realtor can convey the passion of owning and working your land. Only you can do that!  Our video's artfully illustrate your words with video footage we've shot on your property ( -so prospects can see     and hear  what you're talking about ). We capture your land's beauty  and emphasize it's profit-potential so you can get "top-dollar" for it!

Every property is different. Each has it's own special assets, profit potential and allure.                                                                            Beyond merely rattling off the "stats" ( i.e: your land's acreage,  water, timber, mineral assets, structures, improvements ) as typical land companies and realtors do, we also give                                                                                FAMILY TRADITION:  LAND STEWARDSHIP                                                                                                                                        prospects the "back story" of your land. In many cases that's a "multi-generational" investment of time and hard work ( -to bring your land to it's current state of development ). It's a story that's often "missed" by land hawkers and quick-buck realtors. We tell your story so the buyer knows and appreciates your land's true worth. 


We can ( -with your help ) tell prospects the "history" of your farm, ranch ( or ) recreational property. Your family's heritage of good stewardship. That'll mean something to buyers, adding "intrinsic value".  More over,

it reassures prospects your land has been "well taken care of". Many realtors and land companies gloss over or completely omit this point.  

Reaching prospects:  DVD's and the Internet...

Having a "Legacy" DVD you can send to serious prospects tells them YOU think your property is special!

That'll immediately impress them. WHY? Because most pro- perty sellers rely solely upon the trite photos ( or ) cliche'd  "COLOR RICH" PHOTOGRAPHY and VIDEO


"check-the-box" videos their land company or realtor has slapped together to "move" your property. We treat your "Showcase" video like a true cinematic work of art ( -with shots, editing and back-ground music ) that presents your land at it's very best. 


Unlike many land companies, we wait for a bright, sunny day to shoot your outdoor shots -to maximize the beauty of your land. Amazingly, many land companies and realtors shoot their photos and videos regardless of the weather. Believe me, dark, cloudy overcast days and grainy, muted colors WON'T show your property at it's best! We WAIT

for a sunny day to capture the rich colors and spectacular lighting conditions that'll make buyers want to purchase your land!  

The convenience of DVD's plus a You Tube series...

Once we've shot, edited and scored your video ( -we pour about two weeks of work into each one  ), we'll supply you with ( 5 ) DVD copies

you can send to serious prospects. This is especially helpful with out-of-town prospects. Our "next thing to being there" video may be just the trigger necessary get your prospects in the car ( -or on a plane ) to visit your property in person!  

Our "Showcase" DVD's give your prospects what they need to know. They get them beyond

the "just looking" stage. 


Send your serious prospects one. They'll be impressed. They can watch it at their leisure in the comfort of their own home.

                                                                                                                                      SEND SERIOUS PROSPECTS A DVD!

It's a great way to go beyond the grainy B&W stills and "cookie-cutter" videos typical of most land companies and realtors. And prospects will notice and appreciate the difference!

"Ozarks Farm and Ranch Showcase"

In addition to DVD"s, a shortened ( 10-minute ) version of your video will air on our "Ozarks Down" You Tube Channel for a month. You'll not only reach local prospects but potential buyers country wide as well as global prospects -in any country You Tube reaches!

If you'd like for us to produce a "Showcase" video on your Farm, Ranch or Recreational Property -fill out and return the form below to:                                                        ATT: TOMM BUZZETTA,                 526 S. KRUDWIG AVENUE, LEBANON, MO. 65536.                                                                                      BE FEATURED IN OUR "SHOWCASE"

                                                                                                                                  Our interview questions will be based upon the info you provide on this form. Keep a copy for yourself ( -so you can refer to it if necessary during our interview ). 


Print, fill out and return ( -to above address ). Make and keep a copy of this form for yourself ( -to refer to during our interview segment ). 


Family name: _______________________________________  


Property Address:








Contact Phone: ( _________ ) __________-__________________


E-Mail: _____________@_______________________________


Type of Property: ( Check mark one ):


Farm:____  Ranch: ____  Recreational Property: ____ Gentleman's Farm: ____




Acres: ___________  Number of parcels: __________  Topography: ( i.e:  flat,


rolling, hilly, etc. ) ___________________________________________________________


Approximately:  _______% timber / _______% pasture / ____% water assets 


Special Features: ( Check mark WHICH ones your property has ):  


*Creek/ River Frontage: ____  (  Creek/ River Name: ________________________ ) 


*Wet weather ( or ) full time? _______________________________________________ 


Pond ( s ) ____  Lake ( s ) ____  Cave: ____  Spring ( s ) ____  Karst Sinks ____


If Farm -Main Crops: ________________________________________________________


If Ranch -Livestock: _________________________________________________________


Structures ( i.e: Home, Garage, Workshop, Barn, Corrals, Pens, Silo, etc. ):






Irrigation System?  Yes ___  No ___   Well ( s )  Yes ___  No ___ 


Cattle Waterer ( s )  Yes ___  No ___   Livestock Feed Bins ( s )  Yes __  No __


Farm/ Ranch Implements ( i.e:  Combine ( s ), Tractor ( s ), Skid Steer ( s ), Loader ( s ), Trailer ( s ), Baler ( s ), etc. ).  Specify WHICH and number of: 





List any major improvements you/ your family has made to your land/ Farm /  Ranch / Recreational Property ( i.e: land grading, access roads, pasture improvements, fencing, hunting cabins, farm ponds, etc. ):






Hunting/ Fishing opportunities? ( i.e: Game fish/ animals known to exist on your property: deer, turkey, bear, trout, bass, etc. ). Specify WHICH:






Is your property located on a paved ( or ) gravel road? 


Paved ___  Gravel ___ 


* ( -If gravel, distance to nearest smooth paved road: _____ mile ( s ) 


List any OTHER significant features ( or ) attributes prospects should know about your land and operation: 








( Optional ): If you want to list your operation's profitability the past few years that's entirely up to you. It may help to show prospects your farm ( or ) ranch is a productive property worth investing in. However, this is entirely optional.






Would you ( -or a trusted and knowledgeable family member or ranch foreman ) be willing to pick us up and return us to your ranch each of the two filming days that will be required ( -and would you or they be willing to show us around your farm so that we can gather the required footage of the assets you'd like us to show on your video? ).   YES: ___   NO: ___ 


Other, explain: ______________________________________________________________




Would you, family members and your foreman ( -knowledgeable on your farm/ ranch's operations and/ or history ) be willing to participate in an interview segment -shot at around 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM or an hour or so before sunset on one of the 2 days of filming? ).   YES; ___   NO: ___


Other, explain: _____________________________________________________________


Are any of your family members good musicians ( -in case you'd like us to use some of their music in your video's soundtrack ).   YES: ___  NO:___

If YES, please list their names and the instruments they play below:





Would you permit us to show clips from your video to OTHER video prospects ( -considering us to produce a video for them )? 


YEAH, that's OK: ___    NO, don't do that: ___



What to expect. Day One of your Shoot...

It normally takes two days of on-site filming to capture the video footage needed to assemble a "Farm and Ranch" DVD. The two "film days" start at sunrise - with you, your son, daughter ( or ) a knowledgeable foreman picking us up and driving us out to your farm or ranch. 



We capture our video footage at the times best suited to show-off your

farm or ranch's assets at their BEST.


Timing and lighting makes a difference! 

Upon arriving, we'll gather some sunrise "beauty shots" ( i.e: fence line, road-in, "ranch sign"  shots, etc. ) along with some long shots showing your farm house, barns, fields, pastures and your operation's general layout and expanse in the early-to-mid morning light. 

As the morning progresses - we'll visit your important farm and ranch "assets" ( i.e: barns, corrals, workshops, fields, pastures, irrigation systems, wells and important land or water assets - like river or creek frontage, lakes, ponds, springs, caves, etc. ) you'd like us to show in

your video. 

Around noon, we'll take a lunch break. We'll resume filming indoors            ( -gathering interior footage of your farm house ). While there -usually    the first day - we'll do an interview with you and any family members, foreman or farm hands you'd like to have present. We usually do the interview segment 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ( or ) about an hour and a half before sunset til sundown ( -on your front porch if you prefer it to be done there ). You, your family members and foreman can include their input, insights and farm history to the video's "mix".  


If you or some in your family are musical - we'll record their original tunes ( -to avoid copyright hassles! ) at that time -so we can include their music in the video's soundtrack. So, have those guitars and fiddles tuned, rosined-up and ready to go!

Day Two of your Shoot:



Immortalize your family's farm  ( or ) ranch legacy for future generations! Or simply use

our DVD's to attract prospective buyers.  

The second day follows the pattern of the first - with "bits" not filmed      the first day "gotten to" the second day. After you, a family member or your foreman drives us home the second day, we'll devote a week or two to editing the footage we've gathered ( -adding any additional narration required. We'll also score your video's music soundtrack -including any music your family members provided when we were there  ).


Once completed - allow two to three weeks - you'll receive ( 5 ) copies of your DVD in the mail along with a note telling you when your "Farm and Ranch Showcase" segment will be posted online.