"Fourteen Days"
Religious/ Sci-Fi Drama.
The story of an average American family ( -as they and humanity experience fourteen consecutive days of world-altering events ) that prove the existence of God. A faith-affirming film that Hollywood would never consider making!
Movie premise:
"FOURTEEN DAYS" chronicles the story of an American family through fourteen consecutive days of unprecedented "miracles" proving the existence of God. The film shows how this family and people around the world ( -including our government, news media, scientific comm-unity and academia ) react to the reality of God's "intelligent design".
Day One -Day Four:
On the First Day, a giant crucifix is seen in the sky by everyone on planet Earth. The news media treats the phenomenon as a "joke" as their science correspondents speculate mockingly on a variety of silly theories to explain away the unnerving event.
On the Second Day, everyone on Earth receives a mental message from God that says: "I knew you before you were born. Believe I am with you. I will talk to you again in eight-days". Despite the forced flippancy of the media and doubting scientific community -the public is deeply affected ( -since they've personally experienced the message unfilter-ed by the media ). Trust in our news media, the scientific community and the government begins to wane.
On the Third Day, the world's children report seeing a "Beautiful Lady of Light" ( -the Blessed Mother Mary ) who tells them: "Tell your parents they must become as YOU -innocent and open to miracles". On the Fourth Day, NO bad thing happens worldwide ( -wars stop, there are no murders, plane crashes, accidents, etc. No one dies. There are only births! ).
Imagine a world where natural phenomena are frozen in time. Where all wars cease and no bad thing happens. Where all of Earth experiences a day of pure "Heaven" ( -a foretaste of what life could be if we simply follow God's word ).
Day Five and Day Six:
Again, the news media and government spokespeople desperately try to minimize and explain away the phenomena occurring in front of people's eyes. Yet secretly, they're terrified ( -as the reality of a Higher Being has the potential of rendering them and their world view irrelevant! ).
On the Fifth Day, the world resumes normalcy ( -wars re-engage, people die, accidents happen, etc. ). The news media and government breathes a collective sigh of relief. Once again, they've become relevant! On the Sixth Day , another normal day occurs but church attendance among ALL faiths skyrockets despite media and government reassurances these events are not supernatural in nature -merely the result of "mass psychosis" brought on by the stress of world events.
Late that day, a respected physicist calls a press conference stating recent experiments in particle-physics now prove the existence of God. He claims this information has been withheld from the public by the scientific community which has "politicized science" in order to reflect their own nihilistic world view. The physicist is immediately denounced by his colleagues as a "crackpot" despite his sterling reputation.
Imagine a world where science is "politicized" and empirical data and truth are hidden in order to push a nihilistic world view (-where God has no place ).
In the film "Fourteen Days" this paradigm is turned on it's ear....
Day Seven and Day Eight
On the Seventh Day, world wide natural disasters culminate ( -as an outbreak of tornadoes in the American midwest, tremors on the west coast, a new eruption of Mt. Ranier in Washington state and an earth-quake ( -and subsequent tsunami in southern Japan ) ALL occur on the same day.
Yet as each of these natural disasters are about to climax they're "suspended" in time ( i.e: tornado funnels "freeze" in midair, tsunami waves "freeze" at maximum crest -just before crashing into Japanese harbors, Ranier's eruption cloud "freezes" in the sky, west coast quakes rumble but shaking subsides, etc. ).
News footage of these "suspended" tornado funnels, tsunami crests and Ranier's ejection-cloud make it onto the nightly news. The world's people are in shock. No amount of media/ government subterfuge can explain away these phenomonae now! The government is apoplectic.
This is beyond their ability to explain away!
On the Eighth Day, all of these "suspended disasters" are gone and the world awakens to a beautiful day ( -the weather is splendid everywhere -even in Siberia and the polar regions ). More and more people attend church and volunteer to help charitable causes. It appears that "Peace on Earth" really IS attainable!
An unprecedented onslaught of natural disasters climax and then disappear. The world wakens to a beautiful day ( -as if to show with God all things are possible ).
Day Nine and Day Ten:
On the Ninth Day, on the new full moon -the "Face of Christ" appears and religious symbols are observed on the surfaces of several celest- ial bodies. New star constellations are noted by astronomers. Again, desperate attempts are made by government and scientific officials to calm the public ( -and sidestep any religious connotations ).
On the same day, particle-physics colliders worldwide cannot be brought online though atomic power plants continue to generate power unintterupted. At a second news conference, the scorned physicist reveals the hidden data ( -which he refers to as "God's thumb print" ) to a skeptical media. Several other physicists sheep- ishly step forward to corroborate the physicist's data with their own ( -though the mainstream scientific community continues their
"black-listing" of the physicist and any corroborating his evidence ).
On the Tenth Day, God speaks once more saying: "I have shown you signs and wonders so that you may believe". Once again, everyone on Earth experiences this message simultaneously worldwide. Now people ignore the news media and government and demand direction from the religious hierarchy -but they have no answers.
On "Day Nine'' religious symbols are observed in the heavens by people worldwide. Govern-ment, science and organized religion have no answers....
Day Eleven and Day Twelve:
On the Eleventh Day, all technology on planet Earth fails and people panic. Government cannot save them. All man has built becomes useless. The world's cities "go dark". No computers. No internet. No machines.
On the morning of the Twelfth Day, the world awakens to the sight of a giant hand suspended in the sky. In it's center is a bleeding wound. A great panic ensues as people feel dizzy and disoriented. Some weep openly. Others join hands and pray fervently for direction and forgive-ness. All wonder at what these signs mean and what the future portends.
On the Eleventh Day all tech- nology fails -forcing people to put their cell phones down and reconnect with each other. Some rediscover the Bible and read it with their families by candlelight. With the chatter of technology silenced people rediscover their humanity and God.
"Spoiler Alert": Day Thirteen and Day Fourteen....
We're not going to spoil the ending of this movie by telling you what happens on Days Thirteen and Fourteen. Help us get this movie into production and I think you'll find it's ending to be among the most satisfying and uplifting endings you'll ever see. One that will
restore your faith in God and humanity.
Getting "Fourteen Days" made...
"14 Days" is the kind of movie that Hollywood no longer makes. If you'd like to see this old fashion- ed "God and Country" movie make it to theater screens across America we'll need your help!
With the stunning success of Sean Hannity's "Let There Be Light" movie, we are hoping these same audiences support the production of our "Fourteen Days" movie. ARE "GOD AND COUNTRY" FILMS DEAD?
There's no way I can afford to produce this film on my own.
However, with the help of Conservative Talk Radio listeners like you there may still be a way this
movie can be made!
If you've HAD IT with Hollywood's profanity, sex, gore and would like to support our "FOURTEEN DAYS" movie, mention it on the shows and Facebook pages of the Conservative Talk Shows you listen to. Talk Show Hosts like: SEAN HANNITY, RUSH LIMBAUGH, MARK LEVIN, LAURA INGRAHAM, MIKE GALLAGHER and MICHAEL SAVAGE. Ask their listeners to check out the "FOURTEEN DAYS" film synopsis on this page. And be sure to provide them with the web page link ( below ): http://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/fourteen-days/ so they can check out the film-synopsis for themselves!
If enough of you do this and we can get this effort to "go-viral" , maybe these talk show hosts will be impressed enough to help finance this film's prod-uction. It's really up to YOU...
Remain complacent and Holly-wood wins. Get active and films like "FOURTEEN DAYS" can compete BRING BACK "GOD & COUNTRY" with Hollywood for your entertain- ment dollars. And competition
is a good thing!
-Tomm Buzzetta & Carol Buzzetta,
-"FOURTEEN DAYS" the Movie.
Casting Call: NO Hollywood Actors allowed!
Instead of casting "Hollywood Stars" we'd like to cast ordinary, everyday Americans like YOU in lead and supporting roles in this film. Meryl Streep, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Alec Baldwin take a hike!
Think you could believably play a character in this movie? Think your family could play the one portrayed in this movie?
Or perhaps one of the other parts mentioned in this film synopsis?
If we can secure funding for this movie, we may see you in a aud-ition cue like this!