Your Town in a Movie
Jump Start your Town's Economy!
Draw new Tourism and Business to your Town or Region.
Keep your Chamber of Commerce businesses humming with ( new ) trade and commerce!
Putting Your Town "On the Map"
Does your Town ( or ) Region have a com- pelling "Local Legend" or "Urban Myth" associated with it? If so, we may be able to transform it into a new movie! Want to generate ( new ) excitement and "buzz" for your City -while "amping-up" the "Home Town Spirit" of your City's residents? "HOME TOWN AUDITIONS" Want to put your Town "on the map" and bring it to the greater attention of the rest of the world? Why not consider having us produce a movie "spotlighting" your town? We can also produce a "Tourism DVD" for you!
A Cast of "Home Town Stars"
Amp-Up your "Home Town Spirit"! We can take your town's "local legend" ( or ) "urban myth" and transform it into a movie -casting town residents, shop owners and city officials as various characters in the movie. "HOME TOWN STARS" Imagine the excitement of seeing your town and it's residents in a movie ( -celebrating your "local legend" or "urban myth"! ). Combine that with a promotional "travelogue" DVD ( -produced on your town ) and you'll have a unique "Tourism" DVD you can send out to vacationers, visitors, etc. INTERESTED? Contact us:
If this sounds like an idea your Chamber of Commerce, local bank, utility company, civic leaders and your area's philanthrophists would like to fund -send us a message here: Contact ( or ) e-mail us at:
Let's see if we can put YOUR TOWN "on the map" YOUR TOWN "ON THE MAP!" for the rest of the world to see!