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Lebanon New Technologies Campus
The "key" to retaining a vibrant long term economy...
The proposed Lebanon New Technologies Campus" ( LNTC ) has the potential of becoming the Midwest's premier technologies and production "hub".
From it's energy-efficient domed classrooms to it's emphasis upon tomorrow's most in-demand high tech occupations, LNTC grads would enter the workforce fully prepared to excel. LNTC would serve as "an economic anchor" by keeping this highly skilled AN "ECONOMIC ANCHOR" workforce "rooted" in this area. High-paying, stable jobs capable of supporting growing families translates into a booming economy with an eye towards future growth!
Like NASA's Apollo Program, which spawned many of the advances we benefit from today -LNTC will focus upon the skills required by tomorrow's careers and industries. Skills that have already become "standardized" in the film, energy and construction industries (-and a few that have NOT! ).
Things like "disaster-resilient" SCIP home construction ( -both on-site and factory prefab assembled ), closed loop hydro-electric energy, computer animation, coding, robotics and similar cutting-edge fields. These are a few of the technologies the entertainment industry has "spun-off" in recent years along with OTHERS that have made news recently. Like NASA's space program, these groundbreaking "spin-offs" and technology breakthroughs represent tomorrow's most promising career opportunities. The kind we should be bringing to Laclede County! My proposed LNTC Project would accomplish this.
From area Corporate Sponsors ( -who see the promotional and PR benefits of "naming" the com-lex's departments and buildings ). Such sponsors also know that cultivating a tech-savvy work-force benefits their company ( -ABOVE ) GREEN-SCREEN "MO-CAP" AND the community in general. The fact that their employees will be able to attend the campus FREE -learning new cutting-edge skills that will benefit their company's "bottom lines" doesn't hurt either!
In Phase 3 of it's development, the LNTC Complex will open it's doors to the general public as an exciting tourism destination ( -like Hollywood's Universal Studio Tours ). The complex's studios, outdoor and period ( -ABOVE ) "DINOSAUR GORGE" "street sets" and other attract- ions will bring in additional revenue dollars to the campus. One such attraction would be the "Dinosaur Gorge River Escape" log flume ride ( -combining the exhilaration of a white water log flume ride with the white knuckle terror of rafting past a forest full of interactive Jurassic era animatronic dinosaurs! ). Not only will such attractions bring in new revenue to the complex, they will give LNTC students direct "hands-on" experience working with these high-tech animatronic systems!
While Lebanon area residents will be able to attend LNTC at a low nominal fee ), students from outside of the area will pay full tuition. This represents just ONE of LNTCs "income streams". ( -ABOVE ) ANIMATRONICS SCHOOL
SEAMLESS "WORKFORCE INTEGRATION" The availability of such high tech training and facilities will attract students and families from around the country just as LA's UCLA Film School has done for decades. . CUTTING-EDGE CLASSROOMS Apart from it's cutting-edge training opportunities, the campus would be a fully functional motion-picture and computer animation complex ( -producing it's own films, animated features, TV shows, software and game titles ). This in-fact, would be LNTC's primary "income stream" ( -along with producing affordable disaster-resilient prefab housing and a new generation of self-contained energy systems and products ). Upon graduating LNTC students could seamlessly integrate into the Campus' skilled workforce of builders, architects, energy specialists, film professionals, animators and software coders -keeping this high paid "talent pool" right here in Laclede County!
LNTC would be open to all Lebanon area residents 17-yrs and older. Apart from college aged students, LNTC would welcome laid-off middle aged workers or others who've exp- ( -ABOVE ) DRONE PILOT ienced "age discrimination" ( or ) who simply want to switch to better paying careers! Active seniors would also be welcome to learn tomorrow's tech skills!
( -RIGHT ) ROBOTICS SKILLS By addressing the needs of ALL of Laclede County's workforce ( -not just youth ), we can maximize the potential of our community and it's residents. That translates into a "re-energized" economy for all. Who doesn't want that? HIGH-TECH SKILLS AT ANY AGE!
As mentioned above, in LNTC's later development stages -the complex will also serve as a tour- ist destination and theme park. To accomodate this, imaginative outdoor landscapes and period "street sets" will need to be created. ( -ABOVE ) MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE
These landscape backdrops and period "street sets" ( i.e: "Western Town", "NYC Street", "Future City", "Colonial Town" and "Medieval Street" ) will also serve as "sets" for LNTC's film students and the Campus' professional film teams. They will be able to shoot almost any scene... ( -ABOVE ) HYDRO-POWERED WATERFALL from any historical "period" -without having to leave the LNTC Campus! And these backdrops and "street sets" can also be leased to outside production companies ( -giving LNTC even more "income streams" with which it can support itself! ). And once again, the building, maintenance and repair of these "sets" will afford LNTC's students a myriad of "hands on" learning experiences ( -as well as stimulate our area's carpentry, electrical and other trades ).
Holographics, lasers and 3-D virtual-reality technology. Just some of the science based skills Lebanon natives could be learn-ing at LNTC. Such skills lead to high-paying jobs, a burgeoning economy and a bright future!
Film and Animation studios. Virtual-reality optics labs. "Hands on" robotics and animatronics laboratories. Sound stages. Recording studios. Outdoor and period "street sets". Tours. Rides. Some of LNTC's "coming attractions"? ( -ABOVE ) LNTC'S V.R. LAB It's up to Laclede County's leaders. Do they have the foresight and "vision" to re-imagine the area's future with "LNTC"? Time will tell.
Another attraction drawing tourism dollars to the area could be LNTC's outdoor ampitheater ( -hosting yearly film festivals and concerts by LNTC students... ( -ABOVE ) LNTC AMPITHEATER as well as nationally known artists ). The 10,000-seat outdoor complex would add a new entertainment venue to Laclede County and serve as yet another "income stream" supporting LNTC's normal "day-to-day" operations.
LNTC will make motion-pictures, animated features and game titles spanning a wide gamut of genres. Sci-fi thrillers, action adventures, dramas, historical documentaries. You name it! UNLIKE Hollywood, LNTC's films and game titles... HOLLYWOOD'S "DARKNESS"
will "emphasize the positive" -providing kids with positive role models. In today's scary world of car-jackings, mass shootings and terrorism LNTC will be a part of the solution NOT a part of the problem!
Imagine a film and game devel-opment studio that produces positive movies and games your entire family can watch! LNTC is THAT studio! LNTC = "FAMILY FRIENDLY"
High standards would be expected of all LNTC students. Students would be required to undergo a criminal "background check" ( -to ascertain if
they have a criminal record or if they affiliate with anyone who does ), keeping LNTC a safe, crime-free campus. LNTC students would sign an agreement stating that: "they will not engage in any behavior or activity -on or off campus -that disrupts campus life or that brings dishonor to the campus ( -with a failure to uphold this pledge being grounds for dismissal ).
The above, combined with the welcoming of lawful "conceal carry" students ( -who've passed both CC and LNTC "background checks" ) and the presence of LNTC's professionally-trained, armed security team -would ensure a safe, crime-free campus for all. Students should not be distracted from learning by having to worry about their safety!
Map of Lebanon's ( proposed ) "LNTC" Complex
These are some of the features LNTC might offer. WHICH features do you like best?
LETTER: To Lebanon's City Manager and Mayor, City Council, Director of Economic Development ( REDI ), Chamber of Commerce and local News Media...
Lebanon Leadership;
I'm proposing the creation of a bold, new project for Lebanon and Laclede County. One that could transform our area's economic future for generations to come. I call it the "Lebanon New Technologies Campus" or "LNTC" for short.
"LNTC" would offer Lebanon area residents the opportunity to learn some of today's most lucrative "in-demand" skills. Skills that have been "spun-off" from today's entertainment and film industries. Skills such as: 3D computer-animation, software coding, robotics and animatronics as well as a myriad of others. These represent some of tomorrow's most "in-demand", highly paid skills. Shouldn't Laclede County be actively training it's workforce to meet these future career challenges?
Aside from being a film arts and sciences campus, "LNTC" would also be a fully functional movie-production, animation and game development studio ( -where "LNTC" grads could seamlessly integrate into a professional work environment on the same campus they graduated from ) thereby keeping this "talent pool" right here in Laclede County!
Over time, "LNTC" could become the Midwest's premier motion-picture, animation and game development "hub" ( -rivaling Hollywood, NYC and Silicon Valley ) as well as the Midwest's center of high-tech innovation in the housing and energy fields. Our region could in fact, become the "economic engine" of not ONLY Laclede County but of South Central and Southwest Missouri.
There's no doubt the Campus will be expensive - requiring an investment of from 250-300 acres and considerable "start up" capital. However, as demonstrated above - this initial investment would pay-off bigtime in the years to come ( -benefitting Laclede County's youth, workforce and general economy ). Take a look at the "LNTC" web page
( https://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/lebanon-new-technologies-campus/ ) I've created to see a map of the proposed complex and to learn more about it.
I'd be interested in hearing what OTHER Laclede Countians think of this idea. I'll post a representative "sampling" of the comments ( -make them short, concise and to the point -no longer than a sentence ( or ) two at most! ), I receive at the bottom of this page ( -so be sure to leave your first name, followed by the letter initial of your last name along with your city, i.e: "Donna B. -Lebanon", if you'd like me to consider posting your comment on this page ).
If you like the "LNTC" concept, contact our City Manager, Mayor, City Council and any Chamber of Commerce businesses and local Corporate executives you know of. Tell them about it ( -and share my "LNTC" web page below: https://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/lebanon-new-technolgies-campus/ ) with them so they can take a look at the map and the plan.
It's time for Lebanon and Laclede County to be BOLD enough to seize
the reigns of it's own economic future. Forging a sustainable future economy isn't for the timid or the unimaginative!"
-Tomm Buzetta ( new ) Lebanon resident
and "LNTC" concept originator.