*NOTE: Pictures for illustration purposes only and are not meant to imply these businesses are affiliated with or endorse the "Ozark Icons" Series. 

"Ozark Icons"

Reality-TV show looking for iconic Ozark attractions      or businesses who'd like to be featured in new Series.

A new Reality TV Series is coming to the Ozarks. It's called "Ozark Icons".  


The show will give viewers  a "behind-the-scenes" glimpse into the work          a-day world of FOUR                           REDMON'S CANDY FACTORY  


iconic Ozark attractions. Each episode will chronicle a "day in the life"    of each business ( -from opening to closing ) showing how each over- comes their daily challenges. As the Series progresses, viewers will come to know the people and personalities ( -from owners down to

sales staff ) who make these businesses "tick" and who work to

keep these Ozark "landmarks" running smoothly day-to-day.   

Beyond Billboards and Brochures...

Viewers will learn about each business's origins, culture and "human side" ( -things

that CAN'T be conveyed on roadside bill-boards, print ads or brochures! ). 


Essentially, each episode serves as an      entertaining "info-mercial" on each business                                                                                             HEARTLAND ANTIQUES 


(-running 24-hours a day, 7-days a week ) and "airing" in every country      in the world that "streams" You Tube content to people.

Immortalize your Business ( or ) Attraction.              Become a "Pop Culture Icon"!

If you're familiar with Quest Channel Shows like "Auction Kings", "Cajun Pawn Stars" and  "Shipping Wars", you'll have an idea of what "Ozark Icons" will    be like. These Reality-TV shows                                                                                  SHEPHERD HILLS OUTLET         


have transformed "non-descript" auction houses, pawn shops and a group of rogue shippers into modern day "pop-culture" icons. Perhaps we can do the same thing for your  business/attraction! I-44  Billboards  can't do that. Radio spots and TV commercials can't do that. Newspaper and magazine ads can't do that. A Reality TV Show CAN!


"Ozark Icons" will give your business "a shot" at becoming the next

"pop culture" sensation ( -just as the Quest Shows mentioned above 

have for the aforementioned businesses ). Ultimately however,

it's the audience who decides.


Promoting your Business to a                        Worldwide You Tube Audience...

As you know, You Tube reaches a world- wide audience. Four "Ozark Icon" episod-es will "air" each month on our You Tube Channel ( -edited down to concise "You Tube friendly" 10-minute shows ). Each will focus on a different Iconic Ozark attraction or business ( -affording viewers "show-to-show" variety ).      


Making money on the "back-end"

Aside from promoting your attraction or business to viewers worldwide,

full ( 15-minute ) episodes ( -including footage missing from the short-

ened "You Tube" versions ), could be re-edited into Seasonal DVD sets      ( i.e: "Season 1", "Season 2", "Season 3", etc. ) and sold at both your  business AND online! ( -with profits split between us and the four participating "Ozark Icon" attractions/ businesses ).

Create new excitement and "buzz" !


If your business needs a    "boost" during slow times 

and the "off-season", our

Series may be the ticket

to help you "get through

it" comfortably.

                                                              REACH THE YOU TUBE GENERATION!                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Give your business a "boost". Starring on a Reality-TV Series will add excitement, "buzz" and "street cred" to your operation -not to mention increase the number of people coming through your doors!


WANTED: "Larger-than-life" Personalities. Wallflowers need not apply!

We're looking for enthusiastic business owners who are genuinely "stoked" about

their attraction and who

aren't shy about promoting it! 


We're looking for "larger than life" entrepreneurs who aren't afraid of "being themselves" on camera.                                          BODACIOUS AND "LARGER THAN LIFE"!


If you enjoy working hard, having fun and living the "American Dream",

you and your business may be a prime candidate for our show! 

Soaring Gas Prices! How your Business ( or ) Attraction    can get the "edge" over competing businesses...

With gasoline prices skyrocketing and fewer people travelling -it's going to take something "really special" to get people to justify a trip down I-44 ( or ) Highway 5 these days!

Businesses and Attractions starring in the "Ozark Icons" Series may gain a distinct  advantage over their competitors. 


Reaching a worldwide audience,

the show will publicize these FOUR iconic Ozark businesses

to people all over the world

( -not just  to US audiences! ). 


Fans of the show may want

to visit the businesses and attractions featured in their favorite Reality TV-Series.                                                                         I-44  &  HWY. 5:  "FROG-A-DILLO"  HIGHWAY! 

Road-trips and vacations "centered around" visiting these "Ozark Icon" businesses may become popular if the show's well received. The show's "pop-culture appeal" may give viewers ( -planning a vacation ) a reason to put a visit to your business on their short-list of vacation "must do's". 

I-44 Billboards only go so far...

If your business ( or ) attraction relies heavily on I-44 billboards

to advertise consider this: 

"The only people seeing your I-44 billboards are   motorists driving down Highway 44.                                                                                                                            "Ozark Icons" will be seen "24 x 7" worldwide. That's a LOT more people than see your billboards!                                                                                                          Do the math: Which gives you BETTER coverage and the 'biggest bang" for your advertising dollar?"

And remember, people from the Midwest ( i.e: Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma ) and OTHER states are You Tubers just like people from Canada, Europe and the rest of the world are!

Get your Business ( or ) Attraction noticed.  Become an "Ozark Icons" regular!

Here's how our Series can benefit your operation:

Need a few more?

Price tag: $650.00 per episode.


The Series will cost $650.00 per episode to produce ( -a fraction of what most TV-episodes cost to produce ). Each business will pay $650.00 per episode to cover their show's production cost. It's how we make our living and pay our bills.  


If your business ( or ) attraction can swing that and you'd like to take your business to the "next level", contact ( Tomm ), the Show's producer at:  ( 314 ) 585-4249 before 10:30 AM weekdays.

Or E-Mail him at:  riffjamtribe@gmail.com

Become a part  of the Show!

So, if you want to promote your business ( or ) attraction to a worldwide    You Tube audience ( -24-hours a day and 7-days a week ) not just to

people driving down I-44 ), give me a call ( or ) drop me an e-mail. 

Tell me WHY you feel your iconic Ozark business ( or )

attraction would make a good addition to our show!


-Tomm Buzzetta -Producer "Ozark Icons"