Promontory Heights
"Q & A" on the ( new ) Sci-Fi Series...
Q: What is "Promontory Heights"?
A: It's a ( new ) locally produced sci-fi drama series. I'm searching for the right Missouri town to serve as it's "setting". Would your City be interested?
Q: What's "special" about the series? A: It combines the complex
character studies of shows like "Twin Peaks" and "Lost" with the intrigue and sci-fi sleuthing of the "X-Files". Viewers will "go along for the ride" ( -with "Jack", the series' main character -as he peels away the unfolding plot twists, character reveals and "cliff-hangers" ) during the season's progression. It should make for "must see TV", keeping audiences interested and tuning-in to see "what happens next"!
Q: How will our City benefit if it's selected as the series' setting/ locale?
A: Apart from the prestige
of being the "home" of a compelling new series, the series will "show off" your town!
Have your City's landmarks, attractions, destination-businesses and scenic vistas serve as the backdrop for a compelling ( new ) series. Let local and national audiences see what your City has to offer. A novel way to stand-out and generate new excitement and notoriety for your town!
CASE STUDY: Weirton, West Virginia. Before J.J. Abrams selected Weirton, W.V. as the setting for his 2011' sci-fi epic "Super 8" -Google Image "Super 8" movie production still
few ( -besides locals ) had ever heard of this sleepy Ohio River steel town ( population 22, 124 ). However, things began to change when production began on this movie. You can read this heartwarming story for yourself by clicking on the following link:: "SUPER 8"/ WEIRTON W.V. STORY
Obviously, no one can guarantee similar results to every town used as a movie/ series' setting ( -bud-get, box-office and popularity will have an effect ). None-the less, it does show what's possible under the right conditions. We would like to thank and acknowledge: for the excellent linked article ( above ). -A Google Image "Super 8" still
Nominate Your Town!
Would you like to see YOUR TOWN become the setting for our "Promontory Heights" series?
If so, drop us an e-mail ( -via
the "link" below ). Tell us WHY
you think your town should be considered. Ask your friends
to do the same!
Take a look at the film locations ( below ). If your town is within a
200-mile radius of St. Louis ( Mo. ), is blessed with landscapes similar to those shown below, and has a vibrant, dynamic business community
and residents who truly love their city ( -and want to see it prosper ), then your town may be just what we're looking for!
Click the following link to NOMINATE YOUR TOWN! Tell us the name of your town, where it's located along with a little about WHY you think
we should consider it for our series. Be sure to give your Mayor ( or )
City Administrator the web-link to this page ( -so they can take a look
at it too ). Thanks! -Producer, "Promontory Heights" Series.
Photo Film Locations:
Below are some of the film locations we're searching for ( -both in photo and drawn form ). If your town/ area has locations that resemble these your town may be a good candidate for our "Promontory Heights" Series.
We're looking for a town with plenty of "green space", nestled among some high hills. Forest and meadow locations ( -with a clear running stream ). Also, a modern business district with
a mall. See below for more specific location details:
"Elysian Fields": A magical place with meadows and a clear-running stream flowing
through it.
"High Ridge Road": A lofty, ridge top road ( -that affords sweeping, panoramic views of the valley below ).
"The Heights": If you cruise to the top of "High Ridge Road" you'll find "The Heights" ( -a strange, isolated ridge top subdivision where a lot of the series' action takes place ).
Drawn Film Locations:
Here are the same locations ( -this time "drawn" ), along with a few extra ones we'll need as well -such as "Circuit World" and "Pub & Suds".
Q: How will people see the series?
A: Ideally, I'd like to find a local TV-station to broadcast the series. More likely, it will have to be sold to a major network first ( -so local TV or Cable affiliates can broadcast it locally ).
Your town can help "build the "buzz" for the series through "word-of-mouth", some fun 'series-related" events and through local media coverage. This will help get
the series "noticed" by local TV and major network "decision-makers".
The "Promontory Heights" Storyline
Q: What's the series' storyline? A: You'll find a concise "synopsis" of the "Promontory Heights" story line/ plot ( -beneath our cast of characters )
Things that "go bump in
the night". Things caught at the edge of your vision. "Promontory Heights" has these plus a cast of curious characters with equally inscrutable motives.
Welcome to 'Promontory Heights"
Modern Midwestern suburbia. Scratch beneath the surface and you'll find this American Gothic holds surprising secrets!
Promontory Heights ( -A Sci-Fi Drama Series ): A researcher discovers
an isolated ridge top subdivision with a long history of UFO activity. He learns that the neighborhood has been under the constant surveillance of dark clandestine government agencies whose motives are unclear.
Utilizing his "McGuyver-esque" penchant for cool electronics gadgetry ( -he's a Consumer Electronics salesman by day ), the researcher's nightly stake-outs of "the Heights" and it's sheltering woodlands thrusts him into a dangerous twilight world of clandestine encounters, curious characters and off-world intrigue in his nightly quest for the truth.
Based upon actual research, "Promontory Heights" incorporates elements of fact, sup-osition and pure "sci-fi", in a gripping drama
that will keep audiences wondering.
With a compelling cast of odd-ball characters, the series unfolds like an onion ( -revealing tantalizing glimpses of each character's personality and true motives as each layer's peeled away ). Cross the complex char-acter studies of shows like "Twin Peaks" and "Lost" with the sci-fi sleuth-ing of the "X-Files" and you'll have some idea of where we're going with the series.
Unexpected plot twists and climactic "cliff-hanger" episodes will hook anyone who's gazed up at a star-filled night sky and wandered "are we alone?"
"With a compelling cast of odd-ball characters, the series unfolds like an onion ( -revealing tantalizing glimpses of each character's personality and true motives as each layer's peeled away )"
Our debut project. Currently searching for the right Missouri location for this series. If your City and it's business community would like to focus some new attention and excitement upon your area, "Promontory Heights" might be the vehicle to do it!
"Creating the buzz"
Every April content producers converge in Las Vegas to catch the attention of the Industry's "decision-makers".
Every April the creators of new programming converge in Las Vegas at the annual NAB Show. There they vie for the attention of the industry's "decision makers" hyping their programs and showing their "trailers" . With luck, a tiny handful of these creators walk away with deals struck ( -getting their shows into production or syndication ). A major compon-nent of getting these deals struck involves "creating a buzz" for their shows shows prior to attending NAB.
Creating "a buzz" for your show is KEY to being noticed at NAB. Is your town/ region ready to be recognized by local and national audiences?
Q: HOW exactly do you "create a buzz" for a fledgling TV
( or ) cable series?
A: Through attention-grabbing publicity, clever marketing and most of all -through good old fashioned organic "word of mouth" that's how!
With a show like "Promontory Heights" ( -indelibly tied to and "identified with" a specific location like your City ), the "buzz" can start right from the community itself!
When hometown audiences and local businesses get behind such a project ( -and local media takes note of it's building excitement with newspaper articles, TV and radio coverage, etc. ) it helps to "grease the skids" for getting noticed at the annual NAB Convention.
Leveraging "Hometown Buzz" into actionable "Press Releases" is a key element to getting noticed by network executives.
The "Hometown Buzz" ( -captured in newspaper clippings, TV clips and radio "soundbites" ) can be leveraged into "Press Releases" and online
videos conveying the project's escalating excitement and "buzz" to network "decision-makers" ( -prior to the convention ).
Coming into a NAB Show with such favorable P.R. preceding you helps increase the chance your show will be picked-up by a network. Here are a few ways your City, Chamber of Commerce, business community, local media and residents can help create "the buzz" for "Promontory Heights":
A New Way to Make Films...
With ( new ) 3-D animation software like DAZ's Studio, photo-realistic characters ( -like the one to the left ) can be created. "Plug-ins" like "Animate 2" can then be used to give these story characters realistic movement within timelined scenes.
When I envisioned "Promontory Heights" I thought I'd be using standard production techniques. However, after considering the cost , logistics and interruptions it would cause the town I'd be filming it in, I started to think of OTHER ways I could produce the series.
Another DAZ created character. Convincing flesh-tones, expressions and musculature lend photo-realism to these characters. I'll be designing "Promontory Height's" cast of a dozen or so characters "from scratch". This along with the creation of each character's clothing and props will take several months to accomplish ( -before series production can begin ). Then again, I might just cast actual "flesh and blood" actors in the parts. We'll see...
Introducing "Compositing"
I'm thinking about using a ( new ) experimental process called "compos-iting". This process combines digital photography with photo-realistic animation. First, I'll photograph all the "scene locations" I intend on
using and then "import" them into my animation software ( -where
they'll become the "background sets" for my characters ).
This process brings production costs way down while eliminating 90-95% of the on-site logistics problems I'd otherwise encounter
( -using today's standard production techniques ).
As these photos demonstrate -the characters created with this 3-D animation software are quite "lifelike". "Promontory Heights'" cast of characters will be equally realistic. Today,
animation doesn't have to mean "cartoon"!
Additionally, this technique eliminates any filming interruptions to the normal day-to-day goings on of a City ( -such as closing off city streets, parks or other locations normally required when filming "on-location" ). Best of all, this process allows me to photograph the town at it's best and most photogenic -on beautiful spring days or at the peak of the "fall color" season ).
But since this technique is somewhat "experimental" -I'll need to run some tests ( -to determine if it can handle all of the challenges this series will throw at it ). The software company has provided me with
a couple of videos demonstrating the photo import process.
However, I'd like to make sure this process works optimally ( -with animated characters moving around in front of these photographed backgrounds ) by doing some additional tests of my own. I haven't completely given up on casting live "flesh and blood" actors in the Series but would like to consider all options before starting production.
Once my "compositing tests" are completed, you might consider:
Some Community events to help create some "buzz" for your town and the series. Such as:
* SCREENING EVENT: Hosting a "screening" of the series "trailer" ( -with a follow-up Q & A session ) for residents, your Chamber of Commerce and area businesses who might want to sponsor the series as well as for local media who might want to report on it!
* WEBSITE POSTING: Posting these questions on your City's website:
1. ) Would you like our City to be featured as the backdrop locale for a new sci-fi drama series ( i.e: "Promontory Heights" )?
2. ) If so, WHY?
3. ) Would you tune-in and watch?
Underneath these questions be sure and post the "link" ( below ) so
your residents can check out this webpage for themselves.:
*CONTESTS: Hosting some fun "community-oriented" contests ( -relating to the series ). For example:
*A. ) "Location Scouting Contest" -where residents can nominate their
best locations for each of the film-locations pictured ( or ) sketched above ( -on the "Promontory Heights Film Location" sheet ).
*B. ) "Best Song Contest" -encouraging area rock bands to record their best "Promontory Heights-related" tune ( -that we could feature in an episode and on a "Promontory Heights" soundtrack album ).
*C. ) "Best Artwork Contest" -encouraging your City's artistic community to come up with the series' "First Season" DVD jacket and insert artwork.
I could donate some series-related prizes ( -like signed copies of the "First Season" DVD, series-related T-Shirts, etc. ). Perhaps some local business sponsors could chip-in with some cash prizes ( or ) gift cert-ificates, etc. ( -to help "sweeten" the prize packages for contestants ).
These are just a few of the "community-oriented" activities that
could be used to generate some "buzz" for the series. Perhaps your
City, Chamber of Commerce ( or ) Tourism Bureau could think of others!
All in all, it's a
great way to unite
your community
and generate some
"Hometown Spirit"!
Contact me:
If your City would like to be considered for use as "Promontory Heights'" backdrop locale, contact me. I don't expect this opportunity to remain "open" for long. You can reach me via the "Contact" link posted below. "CONTACT"
-Thanks; Tomm Buzzetta -Series Producer