Small Synth Society
The Small Synth Society of St. Louis is an organization dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of electronic music using today's new breed of Small-Format ( SF ) synthesizers and related EM gear.
The group holds an Annual "Small Synth Symposium" where midwestern Small-Synth enthusiasts are invited to gather, network and compete in a fun day of electronic-music related events and competitions.
The Society acts as a kind of "clearing-house" for a variety of collaborative electronic-music, film and animation projects ( -with members assisting one another in their various endeavors ). It's also a great place to enlist the help of other creative types on projects that one person would have difficulty in completing on their own.
Future goals of the group include: *Forming a "Synth-Band" that period-ically tours ( -sharing the excitement of electronic-music with a variety of audiences, including school kids ). *Recording a "Sampler Album" CD-R of E-Music from this group. *Forming a "Sci-Fi" Film Making and "Computer Animation" Collective ( -where St. Louis area amateurs interested in parti- cipating in the film-making process can pool their talent for projects ).
Peruse our "Small Synth Symposium" and "Spotlight 2" ( i.e: "Tiny Synths & Mighty Sounds" ) webpages for related projects, films, events.
"Dream Synths" of the Future?
Back in 1994 I became frustrated with the current state of synthesizer design. As a result, I started sketching out some designs that I thought would give synthesists a more satisfying tactile experience and greater live performance expression. Synth designs that would make live perform-ance synthesis FUN again! ( -in the way the MiniMoog had back in the day )
Check out our "Upcoming Projects" page for more information on these "UAPS: Ultimate Analog Performance Synthesizer" and "Rompler: All-in-One Synthesizer" designs. You'll find them near the bottom of that webpage. What do you think of them? Would you buy one of these if a synth manu-facturer put them into production? You can e-mail us your "feedback" on these designs using our "Contact" page.