Small Synth Symposium

From "nice idea" to actual event...

I'm hoping to make the "Small Synth Symposium" an annual event in     St. Louis. The event would give Small-Format ( SF ) Synthesists a yearly opportunity to meet, network and compete with one another in a fun day or two of electronic-music oriented events and competitions. Whether or not it actually occurs is up to YOU!  If you'd like to see the event occur leave your feedback on our "Contact Page".                                     


*NOTE:  If you like the idea, see what you can do to help make it happen!   ( -by reading the "Getting Involved" paragraph below ).  

Some proposed activities...

Midwestern Small-Format ( SF ) Synth enthusiasts would be encouraged to bring and display their favorite mini-synths and Eurorack modulars and check out the "axes" of fellow synthesists. The Symposium would serve as a forum to learn about, network with, and get involved with OTHER enthusiasts ( -in their music, film and multi-media projects ).  

Aside from learning about the music and multimedia projects of fellow      ( SF ) Synthesists, the event would showcase some of the electronic music industry's coolest new gear ( -as the event's synth sponsors would be encouraged to display and demo their latest models and prototypes ). Attendees might also participate in polls ( -nominating   their "favorite picks" of this "New EM Gear", and their picks for the             "Best New EM Artist/ Group" and "Best All Time EM Artist/ Group", etc. ). 

An interactive event...

The event would heat-up with a series of synth competitions. One such competition would be the "Modular vs Mini Synth Shoot-Out". This comp-etition would pit either a sponsor ( or ) Symposium attendee's Eurorack modular against another attendee's MIDI'ed "monster-stack" of up to         ( 3 ) Mini-synths ( -to see which is capable of the FATTEST and  BEFFIEST sound and most compelling "live performance" ). Audience applause would determine the winner, who would walk away with a trophy com-memorating their victory!                                                                                     The Symposium would come to a rousing climax with the "Synth-Soloist Shoot-Out", where competing Synthesists would endeavor to conjure   up the best "patch" and the wickedest synth solo "live"  ( -playing to an ever-evolving drum machine pattern ). Each contestant would be given five-minutes to program their "patch" and establish their lead ( or ) bass line "groove"  while making the maximum use of their "axe's" front panel controls to "tweak-out" the most dynamic solo of the day.  Again, audi- ence applause would determine the winner ( -and they would go home with a nifty EM prize courtesy of one of the event's sponsors ).

Worldwide publicity for your music...

Several "groups" ( -comprised of 2 to 3 attendees each ) would perform 30-minute "sets" on-stage during the Symposium. Attendees would pick their favorite and the winning "group" would win a sponsor-provided prize ( or ) gift certificate.  

Footage from the "Small Synth Symposium" may be featured in an           upcoming Documentary Film *( -see the "Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" documentary page:  "Spotlight 2"  for details ). Electronic-musicians looking to "make their mark" with other E-Music aficianados may find     the Symposium to be a valuable publicity tool  to reach new e-music fans  ( -since their Symposium performance may be captured on the documentary and seen by a worldwide audience of documentary viewers and electronic-music fans when it's released! ). ..................................................................................................................................................... *NOTE: Don't attend if you DON'T want to be in ( or ) have your comments, interview clips or competition performance included in the film! ....................................................................................................................................................  

Further details...

A limited number of discount-priced tickets might be made available to synthesists who commit to bringing their favorite small synth with them   to the event ( -to both display and use in the various competitions ). These discounted tickets would be available on a "first come, first serve"  basis and would no doubt go quickly!  ........................................................................................................................................................NOTE:  The event's competitions are intended for hobbyists and non-professionals. If you earn the bulk of your income as a professional musician you may not compete in these events ( -as it would be unfair  to the non-professionals competing ). ...................................................................................................................................................... 

Be in an upcoming Documentary Film...

Symposium Attendees ( -with Electronic Music CD/ CD-R releases ) who are looking for some free worldwide publicity would be invited to submit their "bios", latest CD/ CD-R's along with ( 5 ) different ( 5" x 7" ) publicity photos ( -by Oct. 24th, 2018' ) in order to be considered for possible "profiles" in the upcoming "Tiny Synths & Mighty Sounds" documentary.  ..................................................................................................................................................... *Check out our "Spotlight 2" webpage for complete details on this book/ film project. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to print out the "Small Format Synthesist Entry Form" .             .....................................................................................................................................................

Check this webpage frequently for updates on late-breaking Symposium  News ( -including whether or not it's happening and upcoming Symposium Dates, Venues and ticket pricing /availability          if it is! ). 

Corporate Sponsors needed...

*CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP INQUIRIES:                                                         CONTACT Tomm ( ):                                                          If you're a Synth Manufacturer ( or ) a Music Equipment Retailer that would like to reach the fastest-growing segment of the synth market and gain some "street cred" with the "Small Synth Community" by sponsoring our "Small-Synth Symposium" -leave us a message using our "Contact" webpage.  

Some good examples...

Below are good examples of Small-Format ( SF ) Synths. If you own one of these "wicked little beasts" the "Small Synth Symposium" is for YOU! ...................................................................................................................................................... *KORG: MicroKorg, Volca Bass/ Keys, MS-20/ MS-20 Mini                     *ARTURIA: MicroBrute  & MiniBrute                                                                 *MOOG: Minitaur, Slim and Sub-Phatty, Rogue, MicroMoog                               *WALDORF: Blofeld, Pulse 2, Rocket                                                                     *NOVATION: MiniNova  & Bass Station II                                                               *MFB: Microzwerg/ Microzwerg II, Synth Lite                                     *ANALOGUE SOLUTION: Leipzig S                                                           *MACBETH: MicroMac                                                                                     *VERMONA: Mono Lancet                                                                                   *FUTURE RETRO: 777, "XS"                                                                           *CREAMWARE: Minimax ASB, Pro-12 ASB, Prodyssey ASB, System 1200 ASB *USE AUDIO: Plugiator                                                                                     *ROLAND: "Boutique Series" JX-03, JP-08, JU-06, SE-02, Aira System 1, *DIY and Home Buildt ( Small Synth ) Kits:                                                     *PAIA:  Gnome, FatMan, *Music From Outer Space: Sound Lab, etc. ) *TECHNOSAURUS: *Mini-Monster Series                                                         *VINTAGE ANALOG ( Small Format ) SYNTHS  ( i.e: *EMS: VCS3, Synthi-Aks, *ARP: Axxe ) and similar small format synths        

( or ) Eurorack Modulars   ..................................................................................................

Getting Involved...

If you'd like to see the "Small Synth Symposium" happen -here are some simple things you can do to help ensure it happens! 


Send an e-mail to each of the "Potential Event Sponsors" listed below.     In your own words, mention you're a small synth enthusiast ( -if you own one of their synths mention that fact too! ). Tell them you'd really like to attend the "Small Synth Symposium" and let them know that the event's organizer is looking for sponsors ( -and how cool you think it would be if they could help to sponsor the event ).

Include the link ( below ) at the end of your e-mail. And that's it!           


Small Synth Symposium" details


If enough Small-Synth enthusiasts do this -one or more of these synth manufacturers will see there's a "market of consumers" they can reach by sponsoring the Symposium. And that may be all they need to see   it's worth their while to sponsor the event. THANKS for your help!

Potential event sponsors to contact:


Roland makes the "Boutique" line of small synths -so they're a prime candidate for sponsoring the event. Contact them below:

You can also encourage them to sponsor the "Small Synth Symposium" by leaving your comments on their Facebook page ( below ):   


Korg makes the "Volca" line of tiny synths and peripherals making them another great potential sponsor for the event. Contact them below:   

You can also encourage them to sponsor the "Small Synth Symposium" by leaving your comments on their Facebook page ( below ):    


Pittsburgh Modular makes cool Eurorack synths ( -like the SV-1 ). They'd make a good Eurorack modular sponsor. You can contact them below:                              

You can also encourage them to sponsor the "Small Synth Symposium" by leaving your comments on their Facebook page ( below ):

"Dream Synths" of the Future?

Back in 1994 I became frustrated with the current state of synthesizer design. As a result, I started sketching out some designs that I thought would give synthesists and sound-designers a more satisfying tactile experience and greater live performance expression. Synth designs that would make live performance FUN again! ( -in the way the MiniMoog had back in the day ). 

Check out our "Upcoming Projects" page for more information on these "UAPS: Ultimate Performance Synthesizer" and "Rompler: All-in-One Synth" designs. You'll find them near the bottom of that page. What do you think of them? Would you buy one of these if some synth manuf-acturer put them into production? E-mail us your "feedback" via our  "Contact" page.  


"Rompler: All-in-One" Synthesizer design


"Letters" Keyboard ( July, 2005' )