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Smart  Energy

SPECIAL  REPORT:  Attention Energy Providers!

"Are you prepared for when the grid goes down?""

With power outages in California and Texas still fresh in our memories and ( new ) Biden Administration regulations and lease restrictions now  resulting in deceased domestic oil and gas production ( -compounded by the dwindling number of coal-burning and nuclear power plants and the increased demands being put upon them ), the nation's power grid  is teetering at the edge of shutdown. Is your utility, co-op ( or ) electric company prepared for when the nation's "grid" goes down?  

Responsible energy providers are preparing. If your utility, 

co-op or electric company hasn't yet developed a contin-gency plan for your community what on earth are you waiting for?  With predictions of -30 to -40 degree temps hammering the "lower 48" this winter your

delay could cost lives!                            PREPARE  NOW.  SAVE  LIVES!

Secondary back-up systems for the future. Temporary "stop-gap" measures for the present...

To become energy independent, communities must develop local sources of energy ( -to make their communities less dependent upon the national grid ). Local "alternative" sources of energy may include: closed-loop hydroelectricsolarwind ( or ) methane ( -depending upon which resources you have more of in your area ). Take an inventory and decide which of these sources makes the most sense in your area.

Brownouts and rolling blackouts are becoming a part of daily life in more and more areas of the US -a sign that our national-grid is near it's limits. But these need not become the "new normal" if local communities start developing their own local "off-grid" sources of energy.                                                                                                                        BLACKOUTS  COMING  TO  YOUR  TOWN? 

Towns blessed with water towers have a special advantage. They have the two prime components needed to generate their own electricity:  

HEIGHT + WATER = "HEAD" ( -or electric generation capacity ). By adding turbines and return pumps at their tower's bases these towns could be generating, storing and utilizing their own "home-grown" electricity both for emergency backup and as a way to lower local consumer's utility rates. This type of system is known as a "closed-loop hydroelectric"  system. It's "dual use" economy is a good example of smart "off-the-grid" energy independence. 

"Most of the nation is currently in danger of experiencing power outages due to energy shortages caused by the closure of power plants as part of the Democrat's push towards ( "green energy" ) renewables".                   -US Senator Joni Ernst, Iowa.

However, these systems cost LOTS of money. They will require funding, research, development and time to construct. They're something to start planning today  for TOMORROW. *NOTE:  Check out the "Lebanon Water Tower Hydro Project" ( -below ) for info on an newly proposed project

that could bring hydro-electric independence to Laclede County.


However, In the near term ( i.e: this winter and until one of these "local off-grid" systems can be built ), more affordable, readily available emergency backup power solutions will be needed.  

In today's world, energy providers need to be aware

of changing geo-political con-ditions and how they may im-pact local power distribution. Looking over the horizon to plan for future eventualities

is a must. Keeping customers safe regardless of circum-stance is your job! 


Using what's available today to save people from freezing in their homes this winter...

Below are some "stop-gap" energy systems that could help save lives in your community this winter ( -until your utility or power company can construct one of the "local off-grid" systems mentioned  above ).

You might consider offering your customers the option of leasing

( or ) "renting to own" one of the systems below at nominal cost.    

Power systems that can save lives this winter ( -if the grid goes down ). Keep your utility customers safe!

These systems will provide the basic needs of heat and ( -in the case    of the solar power systems shown below ), running a few critical home appliances. Keeping people and their homes warm enough ( -so that water pipes don't burst ) are the main objectives here.  

The Eco-Flow "Delta 2"              ( -with it's 220-watt portable solar panel ) can generate 1,800 watts of power. Eco-Flow's "Delta Max"  model        ( -with it's 220-watt solar panel ) can generate 3,400-watts ). Eco-Flow is a solid, reliable manufacturer.                                                                              ( -ABOVE )  ECO-FLOW "DELTA 2"

A less costly solution is the Mr. Heater Vent-Free ( 30,000 BTU ) Natural Gas ( or ) Propane Blue Flame Heater ( -below ). While not perfect, this unit has received good reviews and should be capable of heating up to 1,000 sq. ft. homes ( -depending upon the model selected ). As with all natural gas and propane systems carbon monoxide poisoning, oxygen depletion ( -asphyxiation ) and the potential for explosions and fire exists. However, with due care and with proper ventilation these

units could save lives should the "grid" go down this winter. 

The "Mr. Heater" line of vent-free natural-gas and propane blue flame heaters offer from 10,000 to 30,000 BTU's, either piezo or electronic ignition, heat settings or thermostat control and low-oxygen safety shut-off. A blower fan kit is also available for one of the models.

Getting these back-up energy solutions into the hands of your customers. Helping them survive!

As an energy provider your prime directive is keeping your customers safe, warm and alive this winter. If your utility or electric company hasn't yet crafted a "contingency plan" ( -that includes an "off-grid" source of energy that's ready to go ) should the "grid" go down -you'll need some "stop-gap" solutions ( -like the ones above ) to offer your customers. 

Families in your area are count-ing upon your utility ( or ) power company for their winter power needs. If the national grid goes down what kind of back up power can you provide them?  Letting customers "fend for themselves" is not what professional energy providers do. It invites tragedy.      KEEPING  YOUR  CUSTOMERS  SAFE!

SAFETY not TRAGEDY! SAFE installation of emergency backup systems.

You hear about it every winter. Desperate people doing desperate things to keep warm every winter. People unfamiliar with propane, natural gas and kerosene improperly connecting or running their devices. The result? Explosions, fires, burns, carbon monoxide poisonings, asphyxiation. Sometimes entire families. All needless...

To prevent such tragedies from occurring to your customers, your power company ( or ) utility needs to contract with reputable area solar, propane and natural gas providers -to insure these emergency heat systems are properly installed in customer's homes to prevent such tragedies                                                                          KEEPING  MOMS and KIDS  SAFE!

Winter "Emergency Protection Plans". Offer them!

Offer your customers the opportunity to affordably rent or "rent to own" one of the emergency heat ( or ) solar power systems described above    ( -along with an installation, connection and yearly maintainance plan worked out between your utility and the solar, propane or natural gas providers in your area ) as an affordable option on their bill. The object here is to fulfill your prime directive as an energy provider and provide safe, affordable power to the customers -NOT  to use the winter's cold  as a gimmick to "nickel and dime" customers for extra profit. People      are hurting enough as it is... 

Keeping your customers supplied. Buying in quantity. Passing the savings onto customers.

By purchasing in quantity, your utility may be able to realize significant savings    on emergency power sys-tems. These savings can    then be passed along to  customers who can rent   

or "rent to own" such

backup systems                                                           



over time ( -by opting to pay a little more on their utility bills each month ). Such a program would reassure customers their families won't freeze this winter should the nation's power-grid go down. A win for all! 

"Let'm buy that stuff for themselves! There's plenty of solar and propane dealers out there!"

That's what an irresponsible energy provider might tell you. Hopefully,

yours' isn't one of those! Conscientious providers know that it's not that easy. Some propane suppliers have become mercenary ( -refusing to even deal with new customers or small orders ). Others have added a plethora of "mickey mouse" add-on charges to "nickel and dime" customers in order to increase their profits.

Cold, hungry and shivering

in the dark.

                              Don't let your customers face this prospect this winter!     BE  AN  "ADVOCATE"  FOR  YOUR  ENERGY  CUSTOMERS!

Going up against these predatory forces by themselves can be rough on families "going it alone". They need an "advocate" ( -to ensure they receive quality service at affordable rates ). Your Utility Board, Mayor and City Council can "have their back" by being their advocate!

Forming "Energy Pacts" with reputable providers in    your area. The "key" to advocating for your customers.

By reaching out to reputable propane and solar contractors in your area, your Utility Board can connect customer's with the emergency energy solutions they need ( -along with the safe, reliable and afford-able products, installation and periodic maintainance they'll need ). These vetted providers would realize significant upticks in business while your customers would receive quality service for their emergency energy needs. Such "Energy Pact"s would be a "win-win" for all involved!

'Smart Energy" workshops: informing customers so they can make "smart energy" choices.

By scheduling annual "Smart Energy" Workshops, your Utility Board, Co-Op or Power Company can keep customers informed of smart energy options and safe practices that will prevent need-less tragedies this winter. These seminars will give customers the chance to get "hands on" with a LEARNING  ABOUT  "SMART  ENERGY"                                                                                                                                                                                                    variety of propane and solar energy systems. Lead engineers and field techs from your power company can be on hand to answer questions and lead "hands on" demonstrations of some of the "smart energy" systems you could offer customers. Knowledge is power!

The "Lebanon Water Tower Hydro Project"

Any visitor to Lebanon, Missouri will quickly notice the numerous water towers throughout this town. Apart from supplying the town's water they could  be serving a secondary use: namely generating hydro-electric power for the town. This reserve energy could become vital should

the nation's grid "go down" during a cold winter ( or ) EMP attack. 

By converting some of the city's water towers into "dual use" ( water/ hydro ) towers,    the city could become more "energy independent" ( -storing this energy in battery banks or injecting it into the "local-grid" ) to lower energy costs over time for Lebanon's energy customers.   "DUAL-USE"  WATER / HYDRO TOWERS?

And this idea isn't as far-fetched as you might think! You can locate complete engineering details and the necessary physics calculations required to turn abandoned water towers into hydro-electric generating facilities right online. One such article is: "Retrofitting Water Towers For Hydroelectric Power Generation" which you can peruse by following this link:  https://researchgate.net/publication/338122201_Retrofitting_Water_Towers_For_Hydroelectric_Power_Generation

The article goes into the detailed physics calculations and engi-neering considerations necessary and provid-es detailed diagrams      ( -like the one shown on the left ) to illustrate these concepts.

Enlisting electric company engineers and a local tech college to construct a 1/10th scale model as  a "proof of concept" project-before the real thing!

By reaching out to a local technical college ( -Ozark Technical Comm-unity College for example ), Lebanon's Utility Board and Laclede Electric could combine resources to build a 1/10th scale model as a "proof of  concept" project ( -and using lessons learned from that experience ), apply the knowledge to converting one or more of Lebanon's water towers over to "dual-use" hydroelectric power tower( s ).

By enlisting a class of local tech college students ( -overseen by their instructor and some top engineers from Laclede Electric ), Laclede County could be well

on it's their way to eventual

"energy independence"! 

                                                               A  COLLABORATIVE  ENERGY  EFFORT!

The "Lebanon Water Tower Hydro Project" would provide the technical college ( -and it's students ) with the opportunity to apply their class-room lessons to real world engineering problems while benefitting the community they live in!  Seeing the physics, math and engineering principles they've learned turned into a real, working model would

be a great learning experience!

Keeping Lebanon and Laclede County moving ahead with the following ideas...

For more ideas on how the City of Lebanon ( -and Laclede County ) could forge a prosperous future for it's residents -check out these ideas by Tomm Buzzetta ( -an area resident ).  



The "Lebanon  Area  Cinematic  Arts  Complex" ( LACAC )

The Lebanon Area Cinematic Arts Complex ( LACAC ) has the potential of turning Laclede County into the Midwest's premier cinematic arts train-ing complex and cutting a

edge motion-picture "hub".          ( -ABOVE  )  LACAC'S  DOME  STUDIOS


A diagram of the Lebanon Area Cinematic Arts Complex ( LACAC ). Aside from serving as a top rate film school and technical arts campus ( -similar to UCLA, Berk-eley ), LACAC would serve as a multi-studio complex where graduating students could seamlessly transition into the entertainment workforce right

on campus!                                                       LACAC  CAMPUS  DIAGRAM 

LACAC would offer students the opportunity to train in a myriad of high-paying film related careers found no where else in the Midwest.

LACAC's film, animation studios and coding labs would keep graduating students gainfully employed right here in Laclede County ( -translating into "multi- generational" prosperity for            Laclede County ).                                LACAC:  CAREERS  FOR  TOMORROW! 

To learn more about LACAC, click on the link below:

Lebanon's own TV-Station!

With a population of over ( 15,000 ) it's surprising that Lebanon, Missouri doesn't have it's own TV-Station. Most folks tune into KY3 (  Springfield ) to get their TV news, weather and entertainment. What a shame! 

It's time Lebanon residents had their own (  in-town ) TV-station!

The "Ozarks Down Channel" ( -a new You Tube Channel ) may be a "forerunner" of that. Why not take this You Tube Channel

and turn it into a full-fledged television station to serve Lebanon and the surround-

ing area?                                                                                                                LEBANON'S  OWN  TV-STATION? 

Check out our "Ozarks Down Channel" webpage ( -see below ):

"Ozarks Down Channel"  Do you like it's slate of programming? Drop  us a line. Let us know. Here's our contact page:  Contact Page . If there are any venture capitalists ( or ) media companies out there who'd like to serve the growing Lebanon market ( -and work with us to get our slate of programming onto Lebanon's own TV-Station -drop us a line! ).

Lebanon in a Movie!

Lebanon's people, places, businesses and attractions featured in a movie. A great way to let people nationwide ( -and worldwide ) know about our town! Check out our "Ozarks Down" webpage ( -below )

for details:  "Ozarks Down" Movie

Casting Lebanon residents in movie parts and using the City  of Lebanon as it's backdrop,  "Ozarks Down" is much            more than a sci-fi thriller. 


Check out our webpage

( -above ) for details.