Spotlight: "Rock Star President"

"If Frank Capra were alive today, "Rock Star President" is the film he'd be working on!     It's the kind of feel- good Americana that   will restore your faith   in America's promise".

"Rock Star President" ( Group Funded Movie ) A modern day "twist" on the Frank Capra classic "Mr. Smith goes to Washington". Feisty, energetic and charismatic rock singer ( -touring small town America's "rock circuit" with his rock band ) decides to run for President and against all odds, ends up becoming the nation's first Third Party President! See "Rock Star President" Synopsis  below for the expanded storyline. *NOTE: Share this weblink:  with anyone you know who's "had it" with the Two Party Establishment. 

"Like Capra's "Jefferson Smith",       Rock Star President's lead is a "common man" who rises from obscurity, battles insurmountable odds and through virtue and indom- itable spirit, effects powerful change",

97.1 Listeners: Scroll down this page. Check out the "Renew 76' Platform" that YOUR comments have inspired! 

Scroll down this webpage to read the "Renew 76' Platform" that you and OTHER 97.1 listeners inspired! E-mail your favorite 97.1Talk Show Hosts  and friends the weblink below, so they can read the "Renew 76' Platform"!             

"Rock Star President" Synopsis 

"The indomitable spirit of the "common man" is the stuff of legend. "Rock Star President" captures that spirit together     with a healthy dose of optim-   ism for America's future!" 

Two brothers form a rock band and tour the U.S. in search of rock n' roll fame. They "pay their dues" playing every seedy bar, club, festival and venue along small-town America's "rock-circuit". Throughout their travels they cross paths with other ordinary Americans also struggling to make their "American Dreams" come true.

Act 1: "On the Road"

"Like many today, the main character of "Rock Star President" feels "power-less" to effect change. Throughout the film's trajectory however, he comes to realize the individual CAN in-fact trigger "paradigm shifts" in both attitude AND society". 

The band's frontman and singer begins to notice a disturbing, recurring theme throughout their travels: the "dream-killing" effects of Washington D.C's policies upon Middle America ( i.e: their fans and the people they meet on the road ). This new "declinig America" of lowered expectations chafes him the wrong way -yet frustratingly, it seems he's powerless to change things.

One day, at a pre-concert "Q & A" with fans, a woman asks him: "What would YOU do to change this country for the better if YOU were President?" The question catches him off-guard. He quips back a throwaway answer and immediately regrets it as he glances the woman's deflated expression. Her empty, hopeless expression is one he's seen mirrored in the eyes of too many fans and everyday Americans he's met on the road.

"Listening to the concerns of    the "common man", the Rock   Star President ignites a fire that sweeps the nation! Despite their dirty tricks, the "powers that be" cannot extinguish the flame. Optimism and hope return to America!" 

The incident bothers him the rest of the night. As the rest of the band "winds down" from the show in the local bar, the singer bids his band mates "goodnight" and retires early to the flea bag hotel they're  staying in for the night. His bandmates look at each other quizzically -as their vivacious frontman is usually "the life of any party"!

The following morning -as the band is packing up their tour bus -the singer calls the group together for an impromptu announcement. "Guys, I'm running for President!", he proclaims confidently. The band erupts into laughter ( -the thought of their "Party Animal" frontman running for President is too much for them to accept -at least sober! ).

Act 2: "Finding Purpose"

"Rising to the occasion, the "Rock Star President" sees how his unique talents can be used to effect positive change. Not just for his band but for the country! For the first time his eyes are opened to the awesome poten-tial of America's "sleeping giant": the ordinary citizen. He commits to advancing their agenda through his Candidacy!"

During the 350-mile journey to their next gig however, the singer sticks to his guns. By the time they arrive he's convinced them he's dead-serious. The group decides to "roll with" his decision and incorporate the novelty of touring with the first "Rock n' Roll Presidential Candidate" into their act. "Who might snag us a few more gigs" quips the singer's lead guitarist brother pragmatically.

The band dips into it's meager savings and has their tour bus wrapped with a bold, iconic campaign logo ( -that an artistic fan sketches out on a napkin from the "greasy spoon" the band's dining in ). Their humble bus is transformed into a dual-purpose rock n' roll tour bus/ mobile campaign stop. Their fans are ecstatic upon hearing the news. It causes a minor sensation on the rock-circuit, Diehard fans are now flanked by throngs of curious onlookers eager to check-out the band's rocking Presidential hopeful.

"A good idea cannot exist in a vacuum!             The "Rock Star President's" savvy use of  Internet, alternate media and "grassroots" catches the "Establishment" off-guard. The dinosaur media is finally outmanuevered.   Chock one up for the "Common Man"!  

A small town TV-station does an interview with the "Rock Star Candidate" and his band. A major TV-network picks up the affiliate's story and uses it as "filler" to pad their newscast since it's a particularly slow news day. The story gets a surprisingly positive response from network viewers. Several viewers post their Tivo'ed footage on YouTube and Vimeo.

Within hours the "Rock Star Candidate's" interview goes "viral" and pegs to the top of "Mosaic" ( -as Americans thristy for heroes and hope are won-over by the singer's straight talk and common sense ideas ). The band's website nearly melts down from all the hits it receives. Gig offers and interview requests pour in. The band is amazed by the response.

Act 3: "Going Viral"

"Dismissed as a "hayseed from flyover country", the Rock Star President uses the mispercep-tion to his advantage, skillfully turning the tables on the polit- ical machine. Once they realize their error it's "game over". He's irrevocably captured the hearts and minds of the nation!"  

As the Campaign Season opens, the two mainstream political parties are fielding their "safe" predictably bland and uninspiring Presidential hopefuls ( -while quietly sabotaging those who don't tow their approved "Party Line" ). Several of the "Establishment's" Golden Boy favorites have already beg- un sniping at the "Rock Star Candidate" ( -making him the butt of their cam- paign-stop jokes, despite his strong showing in the first "straw-poll" ).

Undetoured by the condescending campaign rhetoric, the band sticks to it's disciplined concert and campaign touring. The singer and his band are now packing concert and campaign venues wherever they go. Between appearances and interviews the singer "brainstorms" ideas -bouncing them off band mates and fans for their "feedback" ( -many become the "planks" of his platform ).

"You can't keep a good      man down! Even with all    the "odds stacked against him", the "Rock Star President" remains cool. He knows in the  end good will always triumph!" 

The band cannot remember a time when their frontman has been more   "on fire" with ideas or more popular with audiences. After another strong showing in the polls, news leaks out that the Committee organizing the upcoming Presidential debate has decided to "exclude" the singer from the Debates ( -in spite of his qualifying poll-percentages ). Fans and     followers are outraged and demand an explanation from the Committee. The "Rock Star Candidate" remains cool and unconcerned.

Act 4: "Out of the Box Thinking"

"This film contains a "surprise. Sorry, no clues here... Help fund this film and find out what it is! One thing's for sure: Hollywood would never finance such a picture! Isn't that recommendation enough?" 

Finally, at a large outdoor concert -before he and his band launch into their first set -the singer addresses the controversy: "I know a lot of you are disappointed in hearing I've been excluded from the Debates" he says calmly, continuing, "but don't worry, I've got something even better plan-ned...and you're all invited!". The audience erupts into wild applause and finally -as the clapping subsides -the audience holds it's breathe in anticipation of what the unpredictable Candidate is about to reveal....

The "Rock Star President" Group Funding Challenge...

"You can subsidize Hollywood with your entertain- ment dollars OR you can support movies like "Rock  Star President". The choice is yours. At LLF we're glad to be able to offer you that option! If you like what we're trying to do -check out our GoFundMe Campaign at:       Your funding dollars will help establish our studio and get movies like "Rock Star President" made!" 

Now that I've whetted your appetite for this movie, here's the "Rock Star  President Group Funding Challenge": Help me fund production of this movie and I think you'll love how this picture ends! If you're looking for ONE THING you can do to effect MAXIMUM Positive Change -getting "Rock Star President" on movie screens across America is IT! 

WHY? Because "Rock Star President" is more than a movie -it's a BLUEPRINT! Click on this weblink:  to check out our Local Legend Films Campaign. If we're successful, this will allow us to get LLF off the ground and produce films like 'Rock Star President"!

The "Rock Star President" Blueprint

"Once in a while a movie comes along that has an impact. I think "Rock Star President" has the potential to be one of those. We'll never know unless it gets made. Right now this movie exists only "on paper" ( -as a film synopsis ). We hope there are OTHER people out there who see this film's potential. If there aren't WHAT would that say  about America's future?"

Apart from being an update to the Frank Capra classic "Mr. Smith goes to Washington", "Rock Star President" is a workable blueprint for effecting positive political change. Here's the reason WHY: If a savvy Third Party Candidate ( -like this movie's lead character ) were to fully exploit the social-media startegies demonstrated in this movie, and if he were to     put together a bold and genuinely hopeful Platform of positive change     by actually LISTENING to the American People ( -again, like the "Rock Star President" does in this movie ), it could "trigger" a real world groundswell of sentiment ( -coalescing people of ALL "political stripes" ) to support a real world "Rock Star Challenger" ( to the "STATUS QUO" Candidates our two major political parties will be fielding in upcoming elections ). Without such a movement or "Challenger" appearing, our jaundiced "Two Party Estab-lishment Machine" will be more than happy to complete their agenda of dismantling the "American Dream". "Rock Star President" is the "blueprint" for STOPPING them and restoring the "American Dream"!

How to Get Involved

"One thing's for sure: Hollywood ISN'T going to make this movie!   It's up to folks in the American heartland. You know the type:   People who work hard, pay their taxes and "play by the rules". The same people who are watching their American Dreams slip away"

Here's what you can do to get "Rock Star President" on movie screens:  First and foremost PRAY. Because without God's involvement nothing good happens! Secondly: Call or e-mail Radio Talk Show Hosts ( i.e: like Rush Limbaugh ( ), Glenn Beck ( ) and Beck's webzine The Blaze: plugins/ theblaze _tips/ submit.php ), Michelle Malkin ( ), Sean Hannitty's ( Contact: ), Laura Ingraham ( Website Contact Form: ), Sarah Palin ( Website Contact Form: ), etc. ) along with important political action organizations and groups ( -like Freedom Works  at: ( ), and Americans for Prosperity ( ), and TP's ( ), as well as the Eagle Forum at: ( ), etc. ). Don't forget alternative news outlets like: The Drudge Report ( Use the "Send News Tips to Drudge" Form on their homepage: ), ( Use their "Send Us a Tip" Form on the bottom most right side of their homepage: ), as well as the GenFringe website ( Contact Form: ), and "Think Tanks" like the Cato Institute ( ) and the Heritage Foundation ( ). Be sure to nclude a link to this webpage in your e-mail. Ask them to discuss the "Rock Star President" movie concept ( -and it's "Renew 76' " Platform ) on their shows/ websites. Ask them and their listeners or members: "Would you group-fund a movie like "Rock Star President"? Do you support it's "Renew 76' " Platform and blueprint for political change?"

Building Support through Numbers

By getting "Rock Star President" discussed on national talk shows and websites we can attract millions of people to this cause. And it will take the financial support of millions of people to get this movie made! Check out the film's synopsis ( above ) and the "Renew 76' Platform" ( below ). They are in-fact, a "blueprint" for curing this country's most vexing prob-lems. Imagine the good that could be accomplished if the "Renew 76'   Platform" were put into action! Getting "Rock Star President" produced and onto theater screens nationwide is the first step to accomplishing this!

Star in our Movie!

"While no final decision's been made on this yet -we'd really like to cast Contributors to play parts in this movie. Hollywood "stars" wouldn't be believable in these roles. They simply wouldn't GET   it. Heartland midwesterners would!"

If you, your friends, relatives, organization or business would like to help fund this movie, check out our GoFundMe Campaign webpage at: *NOTE:  If you live in the St. Louis Metro,   are an LLF Contributor and are passionate about America ( -and believe you can convincingly play a supporting character or extra in this movie ), we may have a part for you in this movie! While no final decision's been made -we'd like to cast some GoFundMe Contributors in movie parts. If you're in a rock n' roll band that has an energetic, articulate and charis-matic frontman/ singer ( -who's unabashedly PRO-America! ) or if you're friends with such a band and would like to nominate them  for lead roles   in this film, ask them to drop us a Contact message telling us about their band ( -and WHY they feel they'd be perfect in these roles ). If we reach our group funding goals and decide to cast  GoFundMe Contributors in parts, we may hold a "Casting Event" in the St. Louis area. Contributors who've expressed an interest in auditioning will be e-mailed the date     and location of this "Casting Event".   

St. Louis Area Businesses: Host a "Casting Call" and draw LOTS of people to your business!

St. Louis area businesses ( or ) shopping malls that would like to sponsor the ( above ) "Casting Call" should drop us an e-mail. If you'd like to boost your venue's excitement level and "foot traffic", a Movie "Casting Event" is one way to do it! This several day event could bring lots of new people      ( i.e: potential customers ) into your place of business!  

How 97.1's Listeners inspired a Movement: The "Renew 76' Platform"

"97.1's listeners are some of the most intelligent people out there! As a "24 x 7" (  97.1 ) listener my- self, I began jotting down the re-curring concerns of 97.1's listen-ers.  After a year or so I'd compil-ed a pretty good list. I decided to DO something with this list. The "Renew 76' Platform" is the result" 

About a year and a half ago, I started jotting down the recurring concerns   I heard 97.1's listeners expressing. Whether it was on Stacy Washington, Marc Cox, Tim Jones, Dana Loesch, Joel Fields, Randy Tobler, Jamie Allman ( or ) Mark Levin's Show -it was clear there were a LOT of good people out there who were deeply concerned about the direction our country was headed. 

After I'd compiled a comprehensive list, I decided I should DO something with it. I ended up crafting a "Platform" or "agenda for change" that propos-ed workable solutions addressing EACH of these 97.1 listener concerns.     I dubbed it the "Renew 76' Platform" in honor of the "Spirit of 1776" and the   men who forged our Constitution. 

I thought: How cool would it be to use this "R-76' Platform" to spearhead a movement. A movement of people who were tired of feeling helpless and wanted to effect positive change. A movement of people who believed in the "R-76' Platform" and who were willing to CHALLENGE 2016's Candidates to adopt the "R-76' Platform ( -or Planks from it into THEIR Campaign Plat-forms! ). 

"Today, BOTH mainstream parties have abandoned the American People. It's time for a return to principles that are time tested and true! The "R-76' Platform" codifies the common sense of our Founding document". 

If enough people were to do this, 2016's Presidential Candidates would see these issues are IMPORTANT ( -and that incorporating these "planks"   is a smart Campaign move ). Candidates who truly have America's best interests at heart will readily adopt these "planks" whereas those who don't won't! And this act of "separating the wheat from the chaff" would give voters a clear indication of who the BEST Candidates are -before casting their votes!    

So, here's the "Renew 76' Platform" ( -see below ). What do you think of it? Ask your friends and relatives their opinions on it! Ask the radio talk show hosts you listen to what they think of it!  Most importantly, give your favor-ite 2016' Candidate the "R-76' Presidential Candidate's Challenge" ( below )! 

The "Renew 76' " Presidential Candidate's Challenge" 

"The "R-76' Platform" strengthens the U.S. Constitution! A Candidate serious about protecting your Rights will be eager to adopt it. Phony poseurs won't. Know         the difference! See which side of the       line your Candidate stands on. Give       them the "Renew 76 Challenge!"  

& How You can Separate the "Wheat from the Chaff"!

Think YOUR 2016' Presidential Candidate has what it takes to "turn around" the country? Give them the following CHALLENGE and find out for sure!  Ask them if they'll commit to adding several  Planks of the "Renew 76' Platform" ( below ) to their  Presidential Platform. A TRUE Pro-Constitution Candidate will do so eagerly! A timid, "squishy-in-the-middle" poseur WON'T! Lickety split: You'll have your answer!

Challenge them to list the "R-76' Planks" they're adopting ( -by listing them on their campaign websites ). Ask them to publicly mention their adoption of these "R-76' Planks" in upcoming campaign speeches. Tell them these actions will PROVE their commitment and thereby earn your vote!  

*NOTE: Be sure to include the weblink ( below ):                                                ( )           in your e-mail so they can quickly access  and read the "Renew 76' Platform". Tell them to scroll down the page to the "Renew 76' Platform".

Let them know that YOUR VOTE hinges upon THEIR ADOPTION of the "Renew 76' Platform" ( -or at least SEVERAL of it's "Planks" ). Tell them that you'll be sharing their reply with your family and friends who ALSO vote! Let them know that their "non-reply" will be interpreted as a 'NO" and that you'll be informing your friends of their non-commital  to the "R-76's" Constitutional values ( -should they decide to "wimp out" with a "non-reply"! ). 

"The Renew 76' Platform"

"The "R-76 Platform" renews the spirit of America's Founders. It puts "The People" back in charge! These ideals transcend party. They are a reaffirmation of Amer-ica's founding principles ( -which BOTH mainstream Parties have long since abandoned! ). It's time we got back to "what worked"!"

1. ) USE THE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES ( -PARTICULARLY THE SECOND ) SET FORTH IN ARTICLE 5 OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION TO CONVENE LEGISLATURES OF THE STATES to propose and ratify Amendments to the Constitution that are stronger  than Mark Levin's "Liberty Amendments". Below are ( 8 ) of the   ( 20 ) Amendments proposed in the "Renew 76' " Plaform ( *NOTE: these     are shortened excerpts  from these Amendments )  ......................................................................................................................................... Amendment I: "All laws passed for the People shall apply equally and without exemption, waiver or special privilege to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government and their staffs"  ..........................................................................................................................................  Amendment VI: "The vote of the People in their State Initiatives and Referendae shall not be obstructed, abridged or contested by the Courts   ( -including the Supreme Court )"  ..........................................................................................................................................  Amendment II: "No Person shall be compelled to violate their religious convictions, personal conscience or sovereignty to comply with any Federal law or regulation"                       ........................................................................................................................................   Amendment VII: "The People acting through their representatives, shall have the power to repeal any Federal law that is Unconstitutional, based upon fraud or deception or is the result of government corruption"                                             ....................................................................................................................................... Amendment XI: "All Federal tax monies collected from the People shall be held "in escrow" in each state's treasury ( -and released to the Federal government each April 15th ) DEPENDENT upon whether the Federal government has abided by the constraints placed upon it by the U.S. Constitution, and ( -in the opinion of the respective states and their   People ), NOT endangered the health, safety, economic solvency and/       or sovereignty of their state with it's policies. Failing that, the states shall retain the lawful right to REFUND these Federal tax monies back to the People" ............................................................................................................................................... "Amendment IV: "No branch of the Federal government shall relinquish    it's Constitutionally delegated duties to another -with such willful abrogation of power grounds for impeachment of the enabling officials   by the People"   ........................................................................................................................................  Amendment IX:  "No bill introduced in the Congress shall exceed twelve pages ( -in standard font text size ) and shall address only ONE issue       ( -with no "hidden" sections or pork-barrel "riders" ). Finalized bills shall   be made available to the public for inspection in the Federal Register and on the Internet for a period of ( 60 ) days prior to any vote being taken" .......................................................................................................................................... Amendment V: "Justices of the Supreme Court shall henceforth be periodically drafted from the People ( -similar to present day "jury duty" ) to adjudicate specific cases based solely upon the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Such volunteer Justices shall have attained an age of at least 21 years and shall be required to pass ( -with a score of 96% or better ) an extensive exam of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights ( -with such Constitution courses being a mandatory requirement for citizenship and secondary school completion" )                                                                                                        ............................................................................................................................................            ( -Eight  of "Renew 76's" proposed ( 20 ) Amendments ).                               

2. ) REVITALIZE the American Economy by luring American factories back to the U.S.( -through a 0% repatriation tax ). Encourage development of high-paying, high-tech industry and manufacturing. Negotiate TOUGH, SMART  trade deals. Implement a "reciprocal tariff" policy that encourag-es foreign countries to open-up their markets to USA Made goods ( -via lower import tariffs ) thereby "leveling the playing field" for American workers! Lower U.S. business and capital gains taxes. Rein-in the EPA's over-zealous "environmental" regulation of business ( -until the EPA is ABOLISHED! ).   

3. ) REPEAL "AFFORDABLE CARE ACT". Replace  with Commonsense Free Market Healthcare Choice ( i.e: Tax-Free Medical Savings Accounts, Low Cost/ High Deductible "Catastrophic" Healthcare Plans for the uninsured, Cross-State Portability, Tort Reform, NO Individual Mandate, REDUCE cost by unleashing Free Market competition/ innovation! *Use the States as "laboratories" to test new, innovative approaches to healthcare such as the affordable "Concierge Doctor" services currently being pioneered in Wichita, KS. by Dr. Josh Umbehr, Dr. Michael Palomino and Atlas MD. Allow OTHER States to emulate successful approaches in THEIR States ( -with out Federal interference! ) 

4. ) FRAC USA OIL/ GAS RESERVES ( Cut GASOLINE/ ENERGY Costs! STIMULATE Energy Job Growth, RESTORE U.S. Energy Independence and Security. STABLE $1.90 a gallon gasoline without the Obama/ OPEC overlords curtailing production/ drilling! )

5. ) RESTORE U.S. CONSTITUTION ( REPEAL Obama's Executive Orders, impeach legislators introducing Unconstitutional laws ( -violating their Oath of Office ), Supreme Court decisions based solely  upon U.S. Constitution ( -listing the Article and Section justifying decisions ) NOT upon judicial precedent, activism or international law. Federal Officials under SAME laws as us. NO exemptions! ( i.e: "Affordable Care Act", etc. ).

"Some will say the 'R-76" Platform goes too far. That it gives ordinary people too much power over government. Not surprisingly,   this view is most often held by defenders     of the "status quo" and the political classes   ( -who have the most to lose when the com-mon man's rights are restored ). Those who fear Plank 1's ( Article 5 Amendment process ) thinking it might be used to instigate an "uncontrolled" Constitutional Convention" exhibit no faith in the Constitution's authors. 

6. ) FLAT TAX7 % Federal. NO exemptions. Figure your taxes on a post-card! REPEAL the 16th Amendment ( -abolishing the IRS and Federal Reserve ). RESTORE the Treasury's power to set monetary policy. STOP Quantitative Easing "printing presses". Enact "Sovereignty Amendment". RESTORE "Gold Standard" ( -U.S. Dollar referenced to replenished  Gold Reserves NOT oil futures! ). NO bailouts, austerity measures or currency changes ( -that confiscate money from Individual or Business Bank Accounts ). REPEAL bank withdrawal limits ( -that treat law-abiding individuals as "suspects" for withdrawing more than $10K of their own money! ). NO government confiscation of gold/ precious metals from Individuals. Reciprocal Tariffs on imported goods. Prohibit UN, IMF or other International taxes in the USA!

7. ) PRESERVE AMERICAN FREEDOM, SECURITY & PRIVACY ( -by ABOLISHING the tyrannical Federal Agencies: IRS, DHS, TSA, BATF, EPA, HHS, HUD, NEA  that threaten them! ). BAN warrantless wiretaps, searches, detainments       of U.S. Citizens. BAN domestic use of drones for citizen surveillance or assassination. DEFUND and DISMANTLE the NSA's Utah Data Center. ABOLISH "Common Core" curriculum and OTHER data-mining of citizens/ students. PROHIBIT Federal, UN/ International control of Internet, Print or Broadcast media. UPHOLD Individual's, Businesses' and Church's "Religious", "Conscience" and "Personal Sovereignty" EXEMPTIONS from government programs and invasive procedures.

8. ) BALANCE BUDGET IN 6 YEARS ( -By REPEALING "Affordable Care Act", eliminating unnecessary Federal Agencies ( above ), FRACING, Reciprocal Tariffs and cutting the Federal budget 6 % annually "across the board"     ( -except for Defense ) for six years. 

9. ) UNRESTRICTED 2nd AMENDMENT RIGHT to KEEP & BEAR ARMS ( -As originally intended  by America's Founders. NO gun-registration data-base or gun-owner "data sharing". Expedited impeachment of legislators and executive agency personnel who attempt to infringe this Right through laws, "backdoor regulation", "choke point" lending restrictions       ( -imposed upon gun or ammo manufacturers ) or by Federal firearm and ammunition bans -including the buying-up of available firearms and ammunition stocks to purposely cause shortages ).

10. ) NO FOREIGN AID to COUNTRIES & GROUPS WISHING US or OUR ALLIES HARM (  CUT foreign aid  to our enemies: North Korea, USSR, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jihhadi rebels ( Syria/ Libya ), Muslim Brotherhood, Isis, etc. Continue aid to trusted Allies: Israel, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

11. ) NO MORE "FOREIGN ADVENTURES" ( -Recall 40 % of U.S. Troops stationed overseas. Re-deploy them at our borders, seaports, airports     ( -to assist Border Patrol/ law enforcement intercept terrorists ). DOUBLE recruitment of Special Forces. Increase military salaries ( -so no military family has to "subsist" on food stamps! ). FREE our Military from ham-stringing "rules of engagement". END micro-management of wars by inept Washington D.C.  &  U.N.bureaucrats. STOP "nation building". Congressionaly declared (  NOT U.N. sanctioned ) wars on vital U.S. interests ONLY! Pull U.S. out of the U.N. END U.S. participation in United Nations, IMF, WTO, EU Treaties/ Agreements. Collect U.N's back rent before evicting them from New York City.

12. ) ABOLISH the VETERAN'S ADMINISTRATION ( VA. ). Give Vets the immediate top-notch medical care they deserve ( at their choice of private sector hospitals and medical facilities ). Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law the Officials responsible for with holding  ( or ) delaying care to our Vets! Compensate the families of Veterans who have died while "waiting for care". 

13. ) SENSIBLE IMMIGRATION/ BORDER ENFORCEMENT POLICIES THAT INCLUDE "BUILDING A WALL"!  STOP REWARDING ILLEGAL ALIENS with AMERICAN JOBS & WELFARE!  Reward LEGAL Immigrants who follow our immigration laws. They go to the front of the line! Those who violate our immigration laws forfeit Citizenship and benefits. Stiff fines for employ-ers who knowingly hire illegals ( -who will self-deport themselves with out these job ( or ) welfare magnets! ). Re-employ  jobless Americans   and returning troops! INTERCEPT ISIS, AL QUEDA, Terrorists and MS-13 drug gangs ( -and the communicably diseased ) at our borders. Close the southern border until it's walled, monitored and fully patrolled.   Eliminate current OTM exceptions. STOP busing "undocumented"     Central Americans into our cities ( -putting Americans at risk for contagious diseases, MS-13 gang violence and possible Isis terrorism! ).

14. ) PHOTO I.D. REQUIRED TO VOTE (  Eliminate "manipulatable" touch-screen voting and restore trackable paper ballots  ). Clean-up voter rolls, repeal ""Motor Voter", early/ extended voting and "Vote  by Mail" schemes in order to ensure the integrity of the election process. Military ballots mailed out 60-days prior  to elections ( -and tabulated BEFORE  the national vote ) to ensure Military's vote is counted! 

15. ) PROTECT U.S. POWER GRID FROM EMP ATTACK & SOLAR FLARES ( By "hard-ening" our national power grid, defense, internet, financial data and comm-unications networks ( -from EMP terrorism, cyber-hacking and solar events within one year!  ).

16. ) BAN IMMIGRANTS and REFUGEES WITHOUT PASSPORTS ( OR ) VERIFIABLE DOCUMENTATION FROM ENTERING THE UNITED STATES!  STOP FLIGHTS TO ( OR ) FROM COUNTRIES HAVING DEADLY DISEASE OUTBREAKS! Prevent Isis terrorism and MS-13 gang violence in major U.S. Cities by denying  these groups the opportunity to embed their "operatives" in our cities. HALT Obama Adminis-tration's  Syrian Refugee Resettlement program! Withhold Federal funds to "Sanctuary Cities" and cities accepting undocumented refugees ( potential Isis operatives/ MS-13 members ) . Amend the "Immigration Act" of 1980' to PROHIBIT the settling of dangerous groups into the U.S. ( -and give Mayors/ Governors the right to "opt out" of any "resettlement program" that puts their citizens   at risk of terrorism or disease outbreak ). Enact a moratorium on ALL immigration until recent immigrants and visa holders can be fully processed and definitively "vetted". Hire additional immigration personnel to handle the workload. Restrict CDC and NIH funding to public health and vaccine development ( -END CDC/NIH squandering of taxpayer's money on "social-engineering" ). Encourage private sector development of "electron-ic medicine" ( -utilizing high frequency light and sound to "shatter" deadly viruses and bacteria at their resonant frequencies without adverse vaccine "side-effects" ) to safeguard Americans from deadly diseases.

17. ) "RENEW 76' " CANDIDATE's PLEDGE: "I solemnly swear to use the         Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and the "Renew 76" Planks ( -I've committed to adopt ) as the guiding principles of my Presidency and will forfeit my pension, health care and other retirement benefits if I fail to uphold this pledge ),

The "Rock Star President" Movie:      

A new kind of "Hope and Change"...


A new film entitled "Rock Star President" has just been scripted. Check out the Film Synopsis at the top of this page. It'll give you the basic storyline. If you'd like to see this film on theater screens ( -and have it serve as a "stern warning" to BOTH Democrats and Republicans ), be sure to check out the  Local Legend Films Campaign ( below ). 

Currently, the film's producer is in search of funding for this project. If you would like to support his film, check out the Local Legend Films Campaign on GoFundMe. Just click on this weblink ( ) and you'll be taken to his GoFundMe Campaign page. If Local Legend Films can be funded, projects like "Rock Star President" can go into production. Can we restore the American Dream? Yes we can! Become a part of it! 

Four Step Plan: 2016 and beyond...

1. ) Acquire funding and produce "Rock Star President" ( -demonstrating the viability of a Third Party that "coalesces" the disaffected Republican 'Base", Libertarians, Tea Party, Constitution Party and Conservative 'Independents" into a WINNING VOTING BLOCK!  )................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... 2. ) Locate a SOLID ( PRO-CONSTITUTION ) 2016'  Presidential Candidate      ( -who'll commit to adopting  the "Renew 76' Platform" ( or ) numerous Planks from it )....................................................................................................................     ...................................................................................................................................................     3. ) Then mobilize  the 'RENEW 76' " VOTING BLOCK and it's resources to get this Candidate ELECTED using TRACKABLE "Write-In Votes" on PAPER Ballots ( -NOT electronic touchscreen votes which can "evaporate into the ether" ) even if this Candidate doesn't survive the Primary. ...................................................................................................................................................   4. ) By leveraging the "clout" of the 'Renew 76' VOTING BLOCK ( -and it's nationwide "grassroots infrastructure" ) we put BOTH major Parties "on notice" that WE-the disaffected Republican Base, Tea Party, Libertarians, Constitution Party and Conservative Independents  ) DO IN FACT, HAVE another Party ( i.e: the "Renew 76' Party ) "waiting in the wings" if they refuse to UPHOLD the U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights!   ...............................................................................................................................................  *NOTE: The threat of a national THIRD PARTY movement ( -that coalesces  2/3rds of the Republican Party, the Tea Party, Libertarians, Constitution Party and Conservative Independents into a unified VOTING BLOCK ( -that OUTNUMBERS the votes of either major Party ) is a threat that cannot be easily ignored by either the Republican or Democrat Establishment! This "numerical leverage" is CRITICAL to keeping BOTH major parties adherent to the Constitution and People! They now know they CAN be replaced!  

*NOTE:  If you'd like to see films like "Rock Star President" ( above  ) on  theater screens near you, support our Local Legend Films Campaign on GoFundMe Thank You!