"Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" Documentary Film
Copyright 2015 Tomm Buzzetta. Documentary Film ( DVD ) & Book.
Soundtrack CD ( -All currently in production )
Can't afford a $10,000.00 - $15,000.00 modular synth ( or ) even a mid-priced $1,500.00 synth? Good news! Today's ( new ) affordable breed
of mini-synth puts electronic music into the hands of everyone!
Unlike most e-music documentaries that focus upon yester-day's prohibitively expensive modulars ( -that few people can actually afford ),
"Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" explores the new world of the affordable minisynth ( -giving viewers a brief history of the minisynth's evolution from the early 70's ).
( -LEFT ) "TINY SYNTHS" DVD COVER. ( -Also avail-able as a T-Shirt ) *1.
*1. ) T-Shirt design -see Advertisement ( -below ).
"TINY SYNTHS, MIGHTY SOUNDS" chronicles the electronic music obses- sion of a mini-synth enthusiast ( -while tracing the little known history and evolution of the "small-form" hardwired synthesizer from it's humble beginnings in the 1970's until the present day ). Shows how today's "new breed" of affordable mini synth is revolutionizing the field of electronic-music.
"Not long ago, only wealthy "rock stars" and Ivy League University music labs could afford to own a synthesizer. Today's new breed of afford-able "mini synthesizer" has put music synthesis into the hands of even the most "cash strapped" EM artists. ( DVD/ SOUNDTRACK CD -Coming 2023' )
Chocked full of interesting micro and mini synth trivia, captivating "fact-oids", illustrations, mini-synth user "profiles", patch-charts, gear ratings and featuring a scintillating ( all-original ) electronic-music score -"Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" is a "must have" documentary DVD for the dedi-cated Electronic-Music enthusiast.
"Working out of project-studios, radio, television, film studios and average homes -today's "small-format" synthesists are fostering a brand new wave of grassroots electronic-music".
If you own such a synth why not become a part of this documentary! BE IN THIS DOCUMENTARY!
Exploring today's most compelling "small synth" designs ( -as well as a plethora of related gear like sequencers, samplers, drum machines, etc.), "Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" is an expose' covering some of today's most cutting-edge micro and mini-synth gear for the cost-conscious project-studio synthesist.
"Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" is a joyful celebration of the "democratization" of electronic-music ( -made possible by today's more afford-able mini synths" ).
Beyond sexy "gear porn" and specs, the documentary humanizes the "small synth movement" with "behind the scenes" footage of the film maker recording his upcoming space-rock album ( Riffjamtribe's "First Contact" ), movie music scoring and sound-effects sessions culled from "The Synthesist" ( -a new sci-fi film ) along with "profiles" of what OTHER mini-synth enthusiasts are accomplishing with tiny synths.
"No longer restricted by astron- omical synth prices and studio "gatekeepers", today's small format synthesist is free to record their EM in the familiar confines of their home project studio. "Tiny Synths" shows how this DIY revolution is transform- ing the field of electronic music".
"Biggest-Bang-for-your-Buck" Synthesis: Modular Synths vs. Small Hardwired Synths. WHICH gives you the biggest bang for your dollar? This is one of the questions we tackle in "Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds".
"Can a couple small, hardwired synths ( MIDI'ed together ) give you a "bigger sound" than an expensive modular system?
We say YES! And if we can find a modular synth manufacturer courageous enough to patici-MODULAR VS. MINISYNTH SHOOT-OUT pate in this "Shoot-Out", we'll include it in our documentary.
YOU can decide the answer for yourself! Unfortunately, so far NO modu-lar synth manufacturer has been courageous enough to accept this challenge. Maybe they already know the answer to this question!"
Korg's "Volca" Keys and Bass modules, Roland's "Boutique" SE02, Yamaha's cool "Reface" CS, Arturia's cute little "MicroBrute", Waldorf's "Rocket" and Korg's new overachieving "Electribe S". These are a few of the nifty "mini synths" ( -and related gear ) you'll see in "TINY SYNTHS, MIGHTY SOUNDS" SEXY MINI-SYNTHS !
Featuring stacked "monster-synth" setups, a "must have discography" of electronic-music's most seminal "milestone" recordings and a list of the best synth solos of all time ( -have any "nominations" that you think we should include? ), as well as a segment speculating on "dream synths" of the future, "Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" chronicles mini-synths of the past, the present, AND the future!
The documentary reveals some "rare" and affordable gems ( -like this "beefy" pair of EMW WCS-1x's ). *HINT: If a Moog modular had "babies" they might sound like these. Yeah, they really DO sound that good! No kidding... ( -ABOVE ) A PAIR OF BRAZILIAN-MADE EMW WCS-1x's
What about hand-built "DIY" mini-synths? Does anyone remember the PAIA "Gnome" of the mid-1970's? How about the Southwest Technologies Theremin? Or even a
Signetics 8038 IC Chip based audio-generator? In one of the segments, the producer reminisces about his misspent teen years building these
electronic-music "kits". PAIA'S "GNOME" AND A MIS-SPENT YOUTH !
"Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" is a valuable resource for any synthesist or electronic-musician. Especially those with a penchant for mini-sized machines capable of truly beefy sounds! Aside from the documentary DVD ( -featuring diagrams, patch-charts, gear reviews. trivia, factoids ), an original electronic-music score will also be available on CD.
Currently in production.
*-Be a part of this Documentary!
Want to promote your Mini-Synthesizer Music to EM fans Worldwide? Be in our Documentary!
Do you use micro or
mini-synths to create
your own ORIGINAL
Do you use mini-synths to conjure up sound-effects or background "music beds" for local radio or TV stations?
Do you compose music soundtracks for sci-fi films using micro or mini- synths? Do you play mini-synths in a progressive or spacerock band?
If so, we'd like to hear your story. If your story is fascinating and com-
pelling enough, we may include it in our documentary. You'll receive a copy of this documentary for your participation. Plus, the opportunity to have your music ( or ) sound-design seen and heard by a worldwide audience of small synth enthusiasts!
As a part of this documentary, we're hoping to "spotlight" some truly innovative MiniSynth users. If you're doing something unique, cool and innovative with your music ( or ) sound-design, we might just want to "Profile" you ( -and include a some samples of your music ) in our film!
If we select you for a "Profile" in our film, you'll receive a DVD copy of
the "TINY SYNTHS, MIGHTY SOUNDS" Documentary ( -and a copy of it's soundtrack CD ) once it's released.
Beyond the great "swag"-it's a terrific way to get your music noticed
by the Worldwide Electronic Music Community ( -whom we are target-
ing this documentary to! ).
To be considered for a "Profile":
Just fill out and return the Entry Form ( -below ).
* -Print, Fill Out and Return.
Fill out and return this Form ( -enclosing it along with the materials requested below ) in a strong bubble-wrap padded Manilla Envelope.
Your Name, Address ( -Street, Apartment, Condo , etc. ) City, State,
Country and Postal Zip Code:
*NOTE: Is the (-above ) address the SAME ONE you want your "TINY SYNTHS DVD and Soundtrack CD sent to ( -if you're selected for a "Profile" in our documentary )? ( Check ONE ): YES: ___ NO: ___
If you want these sent to a different address please provide it below:
Check mark the category your entry best fits. We're hoping to include ONE "Profile" from each of these categories in our film.
CATEGORIES: ( -Check mark ONE )
1. ) "Solo Artist" ___ ( -i.e: You program, play and record your own orig-inal Mini-Synth Progressive Rock, Spacerock ( or ) Electronic Music in
a Home Project-Studio as a Solo Artist and are NOT in any performing band or group ).
2. ) "Mini-Synthesist in a Band " ___ ( -i.e: You program and play Micro
or Mini-Synths as a Synthesist / Keyboardist in a performing band ).
*NOTE: If you're selected for a "Profile", YOU ( -NOT your entire band ),
will receive a copy of the "TINY SYNTHS, MIGHTY SOUNDS" DVD and soundtrack CD ).
3. ) "Film Soundtrack Composer" ___ ( -i.e: You program, play and record your own original Mini-Synth film scores/ soundtrack music for films, radio or TV commercials, advertisements, etc. ).
4. ) "Sound-Effects / Sound-Designer" ___ ( -i.e: You program, play and record your own original sound-effects ( or ) do "sound design" using Mini-Synths for radio, TV productions, dance groups ( or ) recording studios, etc ).
5. ) "Health/ Meditation Therapy ( SFX ) Sound-Designer" ___ ( -i.e: You program, play and record your own original sounds, effects, sequences or OTHER meditative electronic music on Mini-Synths ) to promote the health, healing or psychological well-being of the listener ).
6. ) "OTHER" ___ ( i.e: You program, play, record ( or ) otherwise use
micro or mini-synths in ANOTHER APPLICATION NOT mentioned above. SPECIFY that application with an appropriate ( new ) Category ( below ):
Please list the brand ( s ) and model ( s ) of Micro and Mini-Synths you use in the production of your music or sound-design.
Also, list any related equipment ( i.e: synth expander modules, samplers, sequencers, MIDI keyboards, groove-boxes, drum-machines, multitrack recorders, mixers, software ( or ) OTHER instruments ( i.e: electric guitar, electric bass, drums, etc. ) you regularly use in the production of your music or sound design.
What bands, musical groups, film composers, sound-designers ( or ) OTHERS have had an influence on your music or work and WHY?
In ( 125-words or less ), tell us your story ( i.e: Type music or production your Mini-Synths are used for. How you got started. Albums/ CD's you've recorded. Films you've scored. Radio/ TV Stations or Recording Studios you've done work for. Awards you've received. Festivals you've played in. Future plans ( -i.e: Next project ( or ) CD you plan on working on, etc. ):
If you have a Music CD, film score ( or ) OTHER product ( -that's the end
result of your mini-synth endeavors ), please supply our viewers with
a reliable contact address where they can obtain it ( or ) reach you
( -in order to inquire about arranging gigs, concert appearances, etc. ):
E-Mail: ________@______________ . _______ Phone: ( ______ ) ______-_____________
*NOTE: if you'd rather we didn't include your contact address, e-mail or phone # in your "Profile", check mark ( -below )
Check mark here: ___ if you DON'T want us to include this contact info. in your "Profile" segment.
NOTE: These items will not be returned so DON'T send us your original CD/ CD-R Masters ( or ) Original Photos. Instead, send us good quality copies of them.
ALBUM ( OR ) SOUND-DESIGN "SAMPLE" ( -ON STANDARD CD or CD-R ) Enclose your latest Album ( -Standard Music CD or CD-R in a jewel case or CD sleeve ) ( or ) Sound-Design/ Sound-Effects project ( -that you'll permit us to play "samples" from during your "Profile" segment ) again, on a Standard Music CD ( or ) CD-R ( -in a jewel case or CD sleeve ).
SPECIFY WHICH Song ( s ) or Track ( s ) you'd like us to use during your "Profile" segment ( -for example: Track 1: "The Ides of March", starting from: 1-minute 30-seconds in until 2-minutes 30-seconds in, etc. ).
*-NOTE: "Profile" segments will generally run about one minute long ( i.e: 60-seconds ) so be sure to specify from one to three cuts ( -that total at least 1-minute ( i.e: 60-seconds ) of combined run time ).
TEN ( -Matte Finish/ Untextured ) 4" x 6" COLOR PHOTOS
( -of you posing with or using your Mini-Synth ( s ) in your home project studio ( or ) performing "live" in-concert ( -either "Solo" or with your band if you're a Mini-Synthesist in a Band ).
Have a friend or family member take ( 10 ) nicely-composed,/properly exposed ( -i.e: not too dark ( or ) over-exposed, i.e: "washed-out" ) photos
of you in the above situations. Keep your originals and send us good quality copies of these ( 10 ) photos ( -in a protective envelope, )..
Include these ( 10 ) Photos ( -with your completed Entry Form and your sleeved or jewel-cased CD ) in your padded Manila Envelope.. Get it in the mail to us.
PERMISSION: Please sign and date below ( -to grant us permission to
use your enclosed photos and music/ sound-effects or sound design examples ) in your "Profile" segment.
I,( -your name ) ____________________________________ hereby grant Tomm Buzzetta, Producer of the "Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" Documentary, my permission to use the enclosed photos and specified music/ sound-effects and/ or sound design selections, in my "Profile" segment within the "Tiny Synths, Mighty Sounds" documentary film. I acknowledge that I have read and understand that if I'm selected for a "Profile" segment in this film, I will receive a copy of this documentary film on a DVD and a copy of it's soundtrack CD once it has been released.
Signed ( -Your Signature ): ________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
This Date: DAY: ______________ MONTH: ___________________ YEAR: _________'
*NOTE: You'll receive an e-mail from us if you've been selected for a "Profile" in our documentary. Good luck and many thanks to all entrants. We appreciate your time and effort in submitting your entry form!
*NOTE: Mail your completed "Entry Form" ( -above ), ( 10 ) 4" x 6" color photos and Music ( or ) Sound Design CD / CD-R ( -in bubble wrap lined Manila Envelope) to:
Tomm Buzzetta, 526 S. Krudwig Ave., Lebanon, Mo. 65536-2568.
Gratefully; Tomm Buzzetta -Producer "TINY SYNTHS, MIGHTY SOUNDS"
*1. ) Show OTHERS your love
of Synths and Electronic Music
with our new Documentary DVD Cover T-Shirt design ( -left ).
Or check out our OTHER Synth themed merchandise by clicking on the "TommDesigns" Shop link
( -below ):
How the above DVD Cover looks
on a T-Shirt.
Some of the Synthesizers featured in our "Tiny Synths" Documentary now featured on this ( new ) T-Shirt design.
If you're a confirmed "Synth Freak" this T-Shirt is a "no-brainer". Get it!
Our "Confirmed Synth Freak"
Leisure wear for the "Project-Studio" set. Check out all of our designs below.
Get your's today
at the
"TommDesigns" Shop!
Here's another T-Shirt design for the well-dressed "Synth Freak".
The Novation Bass Station II and MiniNova are some of the sexiest looking synths around. Love their glowing "electric blue" pitch/ mod wheels!
I thought this photo would make for a "Sleek and Sexy"
Synthesizer T-Shirt design.
Now Available from: