"Your  Town in a Movie"                        A Reality TV Series.

Bringing Movie-Making Magic to Small Towns        across America. Is Your Town up for the challenge?

"YOUR TOWN IN A MOVIE"      is the new Reality TV  Series that brings the magic of film making to small town America! Local residents get a chance to audition for parts in a movie based upon a local legend or urban-myth their area    is known for.                                SMALL TOWN  AMERICA  IN THE MOVIES!                  

Crossing America in an RV, the producers of "Your Town in a Movie" are  searching for the most intriguing local legends, urban-myths and para-normal incidents ( -for possible use as the basis for a series of feature length movies ). Every season towns will compete for the chance to have their  legend or myth  turned into a full-length movie. It's a great way to  "jump start" your town's economy! Mayors and Chambers of Commerce  wanting  to generate some new excitement and "buzz" for their city should fill out and return the questionnaire below.

"The series is a great way to generate new excitement for small towns. Show sponsors can reach a wide new    demographic of viewers with their advertising message"

                           "YOUR TOWN IN A MOVIE". Coming to your town? Let your City's Mayor  and Chamber of Commerce know about the show and this web page!

"Casting Call". Being discovered...

Every episode will focus upon a new town. Opening with a  travelogue style "profile" ( -showing the town's map location, population, scenic, cultural and historic attractions ), viewers will go "behind the scenes"  sitting in on our meeting with the town's historian -who'll discuss the town's legend, myth or incident. They'll watch the production of the        movie's "trailer"-seeing it's completed version by episode's end.  

Local residents wishing to try    out for parts in the movie and the "trailer" are welcome to attend our "Casting Call" ( -reading dialogue for the parts they're auditioning for ). By day's end a prospective movie cast will be assembled!          -AUDITION.  BE  "DISCOVERED" !         

"Viewers will go behind the scenes to experience the film making process. They'll witness the town's "casting call" and the "brainstorming" sessions that transform the town's legend into an actionable movie script"

At season's end, viewers will cast votes for the story they'd most like to see made into a movie.    The winning town will have their story made into a movie ( -using the original cast selected during the town's episode  ) with profits split amongst cast, town and movie production team.                          -WILL  YOUR  TOWN  STAR  IN  IT'S                                                                                              OWN A  MOVIE?"


Mayors and Chambers of Commerce interested in having their town considered for the show as well as Companies interested in sponsoring the Series, can click on this link:  "Contact Show's Producer"  ( or ) leave    an e-mail message at:  tommbuzz.77@gmail.com*NOTE: Mayors and Chambers should also  fill-out and return the "Questionnaire" ( -below ). 

Other Productions to consider:

Companies and towns looking for other movie and series advertising opportunities should check out the projects below:                          "YOU, ME, THREE  KIDS  &  AN  RV" -A feel-good family "road-trip" comedy ( -perfect for RV man-ufacturers and travel-industry advertisers ).  https://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/upcoming-projects-1/ 

"ROAD  TRIP  ADVENTURES  USA"  -A uniquely different travelogue series covering interesting locations, attractions, activities, people and urban myths. Unlike typical travel/ road shows that stick to "tourist-trap" locations and attractions, "ROAD  TRIP" isn't afraid to "veer off-the-beaten path" to cover unique attractions like a donut-shaped diner, a UFO "hot-spot" or a local bigfoot haunt. ( -the perfect series for auto-mobile, RV and travel-industry advertisers looking to stand out ).  http://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/upcoming-projects-1/   

"PROMONTORY  HEIGHTS" -An episodic Series combining "X-Files" sci-fi with complex char-acters  and "cliff-hanging" plot twists ( -nailing  the coveted 17-35 yr. old" youth demographic ). https://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/promontory-heights/ 

"EMPIRE  BUILDERS" -A new Series that gives viewers a "behind the scenes" glimpse into the lives and life-styles of the area's most intriguing entre-preneurs, entertainers and sports figures. https://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/empire-builders/

"CRESTRIDGE  HEIGHTS" -Combine "Dallas", "Dyna-asty" and "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous", add a unique St. Louis "twist" and you'll get the gist of this episodic weekly "pot-boiler" ( -chronicling the amb-itions, excesses and quest for power ) of the arist- ocrat McClintock family.            https://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/crestridge-heights/  

"THE  WEIRD  WHATZ-IT  FROM  WAY  OUT  THERE"  -A raucous   sci-fi comedy based upon the Nov. 11, 2019' meteorite crash    near St. Louis, Mo. An homage to  Classic 1950's sci-fi  movies      ( -delivered with the "tongue-in-cheek" humor of those  "Airplane" and "Police Squad" movies ).

"THE SYNTHESIST" -A sound designer/ synthesist discovers a dark conspiracy involving the government and a coming alien invasion. He's forced to utilize his "synth-smarts" and ingenuity to defeat the conspiracy ( -while completing a project for his difficult boss's client ).                  https://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/upcoming-projects-1/

"THUNDERBIRD: RETURN  OF A LEGEND"  -An Indian legend returns as a group of Terratorns ( -prehistoric raptor birds ) is discovered nesting on an in-accessible cliff above a quaint midwestern town. Unfortunately, the birds have acquired a taste for human flesh and several tourists and residents have gone missing! https://locallegendfilms.jimdo.com/upcoming-projects-1/

Town Questionnaire:

To be completed/ returned by the Mayor and Chamber of Commerce  Director of towns wishing to be considered for the "Your Town in a Movie" Series.

*NOTE: This information will only be used for town selection purposes and will not be shared or used for any other purpose..


Mayor's Name: ____________________________________________ 


Contact E-Mai Address: ___________@_________________ . ________                                                                                                                                                    Phone:  Area Code: ( ______ ) ________-______________  

Best times/ days to catch you in the office: 


Postal Mail Address: 






______________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                            Chamber Director's Name: ___________________________________


Contact E-Mail Address: ___________@___________________ . ________         


Phone:  Area Code: ( _______ ) _________-________________ 

Best times/ days to catch you in the office:                                                                                  

Postal Mail Address: 








Name and Contact Info for Town Historian ( or ) Local Reporter who covered the story ( -and who could give us more details  ). 







( Town Historian ) Give us a brief synopsis of your town's Local Legend, Urban Myth or Paranormal Incident: 


















If your local newspaper reported the story -enclose the news clipping. Has the legend, urban-myth or incident been written about in a book or in any other publications?    ( If so, list here ):






Would your town be willing to work with the show's producers ( -by host-ing a "Casting Call" at a large in-town venue  ), by cooperating with our production team during the show and movie "trailer's" production and      production of your town's feature film? ( -if your town happens to win    the season finale )?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Check one: _____ YES,  _____ NO,  _____ Depends ( -explain below ):








Would any of your Chamber of Commerce businesses care to be a show sponsor or have a "product-placement" ( -within your town's segment or feature film )? ( -should your town win the season finale ). 


____ YES   _____NO   ( -If yes, please provide us with their contact info. ) 










Mail your completed Questionnaire to: 


TOMM BUZZETTA,  526 S. Krudwig Avenue, Lebanon, Mo. 65536-2568.